PS. Troll. Your response made me recall the use of the phrase ad hominem – used in Indonesian – when the stolen user name was the name Nyangleh (See the reply to mamet – with no hyphen.) Wonder if you read that comment. From way back when the name stealing on the site was a new thing. You seem to read everything posted here. Perhaps you read the rough year of commments that used the name Nyangleh that trolled, or protested the name-stealing trolling.
It had said:
“Itu yang tiru2 username gw biasanya pake nama Megatron. Lu scroll2 lagi coba rilisan beberapa hari yg sebelumnya dia marah2 gajelas, g bs argumen ujung2nya ad hominem wkwkwkwkwk. Yakali gua ngebales komenan sendiri mamet koplak”
The plastic surgery didn’t age that well for sure since 2017. I will always remember for ruining the Honda Misaki retirement video
Do eunuch’s actually come? Just wondering, troll. Cause you’d know. Darwin would probably indicate that it’s an evolutionary dead-end. Your thoughts?
My message was on-topic and pertinent in this post relative to a pornographic movie starred by Sakurai Aya.
Yours is a worthless, off-topic ad-hominem.
That is what I think.
PS. Troll. Your response made me recall the use of the phrase ad hominem – used in Indonesian – when the stolen user name was the name Nyangleh (See the reply to mamet – with no hyphen.) Wonder if you read that comment. From way back when the name stealing on the site was a new thing. You seem to read everything posted here. Perhaps you read the rough year of commments that used the name Nyangleh that trolled, or protested the name-stealing trolling.
It had said:
“Itu yang tiru2 username gw biasanya pake nama Megatron. Lu scroll2 lagi coba rilisan beberapa hari yg sebelumnya dia marah2 gajelas, g bs argumen ujung2nya ad hominem wkwkwkwkwk. Yakali gua ngebales komenan sendiri mamet koplak”
(I added the bold . . .)
No hyphen. . .