[CHUC-035] Sana Mizuse, 22, model beauty with a slight tsundere

[CHUC-035] Sana Mizuse, 22, model beauty with a slight tsundere

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20,629 views Posted: May 28, 2023

[CHUC-035] Sana Mizuse, 22, model beauty with a slight tsundere
[CHUC-035] Sana Mizuse, 22, model beauty with a slight tsundere
[CHUC-035] Sana Mizuse, 22, model beauty with a slight tsundere

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1 year ago


1 year ago
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

The troll has been using hyperlinks a lot lately. At least this time the hyperlinks didn’t lead to a gay porn site. . . Because at least five times, that was what the troll blessed us all with – Hyperlinks disguised to look like links to a place on this site, that instead led to a different site. . . I’m pleased to say, the site seems to have gone back and deleted those five posts just now. They were almost all gone a minute ago when I woke (an hour before the last games to the Premier League season) three gone, with a disabled the hyperlink to a fourth as the site briefly froze. Now they’re all gone. Those troll comments that use my name and used hyperlinks that were “troll” hyperlinks leading to a different site that had gay porn, were until recently posted at: The [SDDE-697] May 24, 3:03 a.m. Mike Reply to ddland45 – deleted from site The [STARS-846] May 24, 1:39 p.m Mike Reply to Goatfucker – deleted from site The [DASD-883] May 24, 9:05 p.m. Mike Reply to sneed – deleted from site The [DASD-883] May 24, 9:05 p.m. Mike Reply Mike – deleted from site The [STARS-846]… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

Regarding the troll….He needs to get decked. He feels free to act out because of net anonymity, but his arrogance is going to bite him hard in the ass… I predict that will happen directly in his personal life, and not long from now… there has to be a spillover when you spend so many waking hours deliberately being such an utter shithole.

1 year ago
Reply to  Truth

I hardly know what to think of it all. But sometimes bad guys don’t get caught, don’t face consequences.

Speaking of “guys” I used a male term, and you used “he.”

But I usually refer to the troll as “it.”

Because it seems to me the troll could, by some remote possibility, actually be a female. (We’ll never know)

The troll seems committed to marring, possibly ruining the comment section, and/or marring or ruining the experience of using the comment section for anyone who dares to type more than a three word comment, anyone who dares to try to engage in a developed discussion with repeated use of a stable user name.

But I wonder why. Is it retaliation? Either for something someone here posted, or for some other event, like a real-life rape, a real-life porn addiction, a real life decent of a woman into bad events related to the sex trade, something that would give the troll an “anger/revenge” motive.

Is it religious? Is it this. . . is it that. . .

Anyway, I think the troll is a he. But just not all that sure. . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike