Hope this doesn’t turn out being a “double post.” But my first post about this compilation doesn’t seem to have been approved and posted. (At least not as I type. . .) It should have appeared above this one. . .
yes but why do these whores always have to be married in these movies? what if we made exactly the same movies without changing anything except one thing: ALL THE WOMEN ARE SINGLE. Do you think that would still be as interesting? I don’t think so.. what excites is precisely the fact that in all these movies, the dirty whore is married! yes the main character in all these movies is always the asshole husband!
This compilation includes [NSPS-876] My Wife Got Passed Around At The Town Hall Association Festival For 2 Straight Days – Nozomi Arimura
And a 2022 movie the site did not post:
NSFS-084 Neighborhood Association Mawashi (Group sex) Tent
Release Date: 22 Apr 2022 Director: Tomijo Taro 富丈太郎
In which a husband, camping with his wife, wakes to see her asleep, covered in semen, surrounded by the men she had frolicked with, like in [NSPS-196] Submitted true story, Wife was passed around 4 and also [NSPS-219] Submitted True Story – My wife was passed around 5 .
The full title of NSFS-084 Neighborhood Association Mawashi (Group sex) Tent title (if it was here on the site) would likely read something like this:
誘い Invitation
やすそうな looks easy
地味 sober
な na name; reputation
ポッチャリ妻を plump wife
When was persuaded, it was ridiculously dirty.
町内会 Neighborhood association
まわしテント mawashi tent gang rape tent
田原凛花 Rinka Tahara
Hope this doesn’t turn out being a “double post.” But my first post about this compilation doesn’t seem to have been approved and posted. (At least not as I type. . .) It should have appeared above this one. . .
It was to have read:
This compilation includes [NSPS-876] My Wife Got Passed Around At The Town Hall Association Festival For 2 Straight Days – Nozomi Arimura
And a 2022 movie the site did not post:
NSFS-084 Neighborhood Association Mawashi (Group sex) Tent
Release Date: 22 Apr 2022 Director: Tomijo Taro 富丈太郎
In which a husband, camping with his wife, wakes to see her asleep, covered in sperm, surrounded by the men she had frolicked with, like in [NSPS-196] Submitted true story, Wife was passed around 4
and [NSPS-219] Submitted True Story – My wife was passed around 5 . . .
Beautiful gangbang film With Older Man and Married Women
yes but why do these whores always have to be married in these movies? what if we made exactly the same movies without changing anything except one thing: ALL THE WOMEN ARE SINGLE. Do you think that would still be as interesting? I don’t think so.. what excites is precisely the fact that in all these movies, the dirty whore is married! yes the main character in all these movies is always the asshole husband!