The investigator embarrassed! wet. Slaves’ Weakness Seized And Tortured For Pleasure I Can’t Stop Living! I will buy from Riho. Not good… I tend to want it without permission. That is not me!
Silent Watcher
1 year ago
One of few S1 investigator movie that was directed by Takuan AND utilized multiple outfit for investigator like the standard leather suit, Office suit, and now non-existent police uniform.
Yesss! More Riho archive please!
I second this !
The investigator embarrassed! wet. Slaves’ Weakness Seized And Tortured For Pleasure I Can’t Stop Living! I will buy from Riho. Not good… I tend to want it without permission. That is not me!
One of few S1 investigator movie that was directed by Takuan AND utilized multiple outfit for investigator like the standard leather suit, Office suit, and now non-existent police uniform.
You wont get bored seeing those variety.