[SNIS-214] Woman Who Wants to be a Chikkan (Chikkan) Peeing College Girl Rina Rukawa

[SNIS-214] Woman Who Wants to be a Chikkan (Chikkan) Peeing College Girl Rina Rukawa

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35,641 views Posted: April 19, 2023
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1 year ago

Such a fabulous series. The site looks like it now has 14 or 15 from the series of I believe 18 total made (at least two of them twice) here on the series’ hyperlink, and [SNIS-138] College Student Ed NIIYAMA Ran Pervert Desire too, to make 15 or so of the 18.

This one was the seventh one, just after [SNIS-191] (English subbed) Girls Looking for Molesters: Beautiful Career Women Compilation – Kirara Asuka

And before [SNIS-222] Woman with a desire to be molested – Beautiful Instructor – Akiho Yoshizawa

I believe the site has posted subbed versions of at least two from the series:

[SNIS-191] and [SNIS-289] Woman De M Metamorphosis School Girls Ed Aizawa Jun Pervert Desire.

The site seems to be missing only SOE-937 (the first one Haruna Hana), SNIS-387 (the 16th one – Itou Beni) and SNIS-410 (the 17th one Misato Arisa) to have the whole series. . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
are you a rapist
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

At first glance, this site appears to revel in posting videos that feature women being raped. There is even a tag for rape that brings up 1150 videos. Another one for abuse brings up 2137 videos. And you seem to be taking pleasure in the fact that the woman in this video, and it seems many others, is being raped by multiple men. You even seem to have catalogued similar videos. Is this something you are proud of? Undoubtedly, there will be visits, because of the content of this site, by men that have raped women before and will go on to do so again. Are you one of those rapists? And as for women that are raped?  Let’s put aside whether a women will want to experience the horror of being raped and reporting it to a male dominated, sexist, misogynist and corrupt police force. Let’s put aside the trauma of having to relive the rape in front of an audience should it ever find it’s way to trial, or the injustice of having defence lawyers seek to defame your character or suggest that you were asking for it, probably enjoying it. Questioning your every word. Instead let’s just think… Read more »

Nature, eh?
1 year ago

I mean, sex is a need. Having counter productive social customs to pretend otherwise leads to unnecessary stuff (see above) Give universal access to pussy/dick/ass the same way you do to healthcare and hamburgers and see the difference 😀 I and many other peeps I know had expected (albeit socially questionable) behaviors/behaviours once the sex gene activated at puberty and there was no practical outlet to express it. E.g.: you have to shit w/o access to a toilet, you’s gonna predictably poop your pants, regardless of your values, social status, etc. 🙂 Man, the shit I’ve done when that gene activated is a fountain of knowledge for my scientific mind to this day… So give us humans universal access to pussy/dick/ass in a competent humane way (bonobo style preferably), and we’ll behave according to a predictable Nash Equilibrium, eh? Going Javert on our Fantine/Valjean assess won’t fix shit m’kay? Otherwise, blame Canada (South Park reference), they should feel guilty for our morning boner, or monthly period or whatever imaginary line in the sand our world comes up with to define a everchanging version of right/wrong 😀 Oh, and look at me, with a Ring of Gyges at my disposal, all… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Nature, eh?

Excuse me. Sex is a need?

Until I was fourteen, sex was not even on my radar. Then it was.

I know many, many people who do not participate in sex for a wide variety of reasons. It is not a need.

Air, water, food. These are needs.

I’m not worried if I shit in a hole or a hamburger.

But to the the question that is being posed here.

Are you saying also that rape is a need?

wtf, eh?
1 year ago
Reply to  wtf

This is a good example of “microwave of evil” (Megamind reference). Study a Venn diagram and then opinionate again, eh? I can’t even… 😀

1 year ago
Reply to  Nature, eh?

Nash equilibrium?

Had to look it up. My dad grew up next to a Nash factory. But it seems that’s different.  Nash Motors was named after Charles W. Nash.

Read online that:

Nash equilibrium in game theory is a situation in which a player will continue with their chosen strategy, having no incentive to deviate from it, after taking into consideration the opponent’s strategy.

Named after the mathematician John Nash

At least I didn’t have to look up “Blame Canada.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago
Reply to  Nature, eh?

The Ring of Gyges (Γύγου Δακτύλιος) is a hypothetical magic ring mentioned in Plato’s Republic. It grants its owner the power to become invisible at will. That section of the Republic considers whether a rational, intelligent person who has no need to fear negative consequences for committing an injustice would nevertheless act justly.

1 year ago

Short answer to the question are you a rapist?

” No.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

And the last question then.

How do you explain your pleasure in watching women being raped?

1 year ago
Reply to  wtf

Um. . . It’s never existed. See below.

Kind of like Atlantis never existed.

This is starting to seem like very interesting trolling.

Are you the same commenter who posted as are you a rapist?

How do you explain your little zinger of asking a question that had no factual basis? Kind of like asking if I hit my wife when we lived in Atlantis?

1 year ago

I see you cut and pasted from the Washington Coalition of
Sexual Assault Programs’s post


I see your “Cut and Paste” began with:

“There are many common reactions to sexual violence. Not all survivors . . .

and your cut and past ended with:

“. . . Other related issues that may emerge are eating disorders, physical changes, changes in sexuality, substance abuse, self-harm, thoughts of suicide, anger, and mood disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress.. . .”

To be fair to the source, your cut and paste omitted the following

Long term reactions. .

1 year ago

So, just to add in omitted Long Term Reactions

Long Term Reactions include coping mechanisms which may be beneficial and adaptive (social support), or counterproductive and maladaptive (self-harm, substance abuse, eating disorders).

   continuing anxiety
   poor health
   sense of helplessness
   persistent fear
   mood swings
   sleep disturbances
   panic attacks
   relationship difficulties
   localized pain

Resources on Other Websites

Impact of Sexual Violence Fact Sheet

from the National Sexual Violence Resource CenterRape Trauma Syndrome from the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center

1 year ago

Did what you wrote yourself begin with the following?

“And you seem to be taking pleasure in the fact that the woman in this video, and it seems many others, is being raped by multiple men. . . Is this something you are proud of?”

As to the “seem to be taking pleasure in the fact that the woman in this video, and it seems many others, is being raped by multiple men.”

No, the truth is the woman in the video is not being raped. She is a performer, performing. My parents met as young adults who took an acting workshop. They had friends who were not shy about sexuality, incuding a man who appeared in a “classic” porno movie (as the white rabbit in the porno musical Alice in Wonderland) and his wife who owned a sex shop that originally sold just clothes, but later sold porn videos once those had been invented. . . So I think it is almost innate in me to like watching performances, being raised by people who liked performances, liked performing.

I feel no shame in enjoying performances. Wouldn’t call it pride. But I’m not ashamed.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Did what you wrote yourself next continue with the following?

“. . . the woman in this video, and it seems many others, is being raped by multiple men. You even seem to have catalogued similar videos. Is this something you are proud of?”

I don’t “catalogue” rape videos, gang rape videos, or similar videos. Can’t understand why you implied that I “seem” to have catalogued similar videos. I don’t even understand what you mean by that term “catalogued.” But if you care to elaborate, I can try to respond.

What I did do was look at the differences between what was listed on this site’s series hyperlink, and the series hyperlink for the site JAVLand, which has a series hyperlink. Perhaps you could say that JAV.Guru and JAVLand both catalogue JAVs. I don’t. What I did, I’d instead call “comparing and contrasting.” I don’t keep any records myself. All I did was post a comment noting what I think was the full series, if JAVLand is right, and what isn’t on this site hyperlink A woman who wants to be a pervert that could be here to complete the series.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

And I wouldn’t say I’m proud to have done that comparing and contrasting. But also not ashamed.

I’m wondering why you posed the rhetorical question “Is this something you are proud of?” Care to elaborate?

1 year ago

Did what you wrote yourself next continue with the following?

“Undoubtedly, there will be visits, because of the content of this site, by men that have raped women before and will go on to do so again.”

I really don’t know what to say to that. I don’t know how many people really visit the site. I don’t know if any statistice posted on this site or elsewhere are accurate. I don’t know how many man have both raped women and will go on to do it again. I don’t know if any of them visit this site. And if they visit this site, I wouldn’t know whether its “because of” any particular content of the videos the site posts. I particularly don’t know whether rape or abuse videos attract rapists to view movies of rape and/or abuse. No clue.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

From what I read, there is at least some consensus that countries with greater pornography use have less rape than they did before pornography became a prevalent way to keep men in front of their computers or on their cell phones, leaving women safely undisturbed by at least those men who were occupied being audiences to adult performances. . .

But I don’t know if that is true either. . .

I guess I could say that the comment you posted is unsubstantiated, but perhaps possibly true. . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Did what you wrote yourself next continue with the following?

“Are you one of those rapists?” Presumably meaning “men that have raped women before and will go on to do so again”

So the short answer that I gave first was/is “no.”

And especially as to the “will go on and do so again.”

I doubt I’ll ever sexually touch a woman again. I’m over 60, not healthy (Long Covid) and I don’t really think I’ll have sex again. My three adult kids don’t need to fear that any next wife or next kids will appear to disinherit them, or act like an evil Cinderella step mother to them, because I don’t think there will be a next wife. Think my sex life from age 13 to age late 50s was enough, and that I don’t need to get back on that horse again. A rough divorce left it hard for me to trust women who are old enough to interact with a man my age . . . Thus part of the appeal of this site. One doesn’t have to trust anyone to watch the movies.

But then there’s the long answer, which involves the question. What is rape?

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Anyway, as to “What is Rape?”

I got in a lot of “hot water” on Facebook when I commented that I thought the California definition of Rape, and other, different sexual crimes, should remain the same. Apparently, some feminist friends of my Facebook friend (also a female and feminist) from College disagreed.

And their point of view prevailed. The public outrage at the sentence in the Turner case prompted the California State Legislature to pass two bills that changed California state law on sexual assault. Assembly Bill 701 broadened California’s definition of rape so that it would include digital as well as penile penetration. Assembly Bill 2888 provide for a mandatory minimum three-year prison sentence for sexual assault of an unconscious or intoxicated person. (Previously California law provided a mandatory minimum prison sentence when a defendant uses force, but had no mandatory minimum sentence when the victim is unconscious or incapacitated and unable to resist.

The bills were signed into law on September 30, 2016.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Are you a rapist” – I don’t know your real name, or where you live.

How is rape defined where you live? Is it the traditional “penis penetrating vagina” that used to be the law in California? Or does it include more?

1 year ago

Anyway, as to “are you a rapist.” Short answer – “No.” Longer answer is – I hope not. Never wanted to be.

But I did, for instance, MANY a year ago, slip “it” inside of a naked girlfriend once, one morning after we were sexual while awake. I slipped it into her while she was asleep, as a ‘creative” way to wake her up and resume. And she did wake up. And we made love for a while then that morning.

I’ve heard some feminists consider that rape. . . Touching a girl “there” or penetrating her “there” when she’s asleep. Even if she had consented before sleeping.

I could go on. The answer really depends on what one thinks rape is. Whether its rape to, for instance, try to have sex until one of you falls asleep, or to try to fall asleep as a couple with the man inside the woman. Whether, for instance, one considers it rape to “get drunk and screw.” . Stuff like that.

Wonder. What do you think of that Jimmy Buffett song “Why don’t we get drunk and screw?”

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

So. Did you write the next language: The words that continue:

“And as for women that are raped? 

Let’s put aside whether a women will want to experience the horror of being raped and reporting it to a male dominated, sexist, misogynist and corrupt police force.

Let’s put aside the trauma of having to relive the rape in front of an audience should it ever find it’s way to trial, or the injustice of having defense lawyers seek to defame your character or suggest that you were asking for it, probably enjoying it. Questioning your every word.

Instead let’s just think about the aftermath.”

I don’t see any reason to put all that aside. As a child, I was allowed to watch a TV Special on the subject. “A Case of Rape.” It starred Elizabeth Montgomery (the witch in Bewitched) and Judd Hirsh (The Psychiatrist in Ordinary People.) It made a big impression on me. I remember it all to this day, and agree that the things you rhetorically “put aside” are horrors.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Did you next write “And let’s just note that there are over 463,000 rape victims in America each and every year.” ?

It seemed to be cut and pasted from a source that said:

“There are over 463,000 rape victims in America each and every year. Young Americans are at the highest risk for sexual violence. 90% of adult rape victims are women. 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men experience sexual violence in their lifetime.”

I don’t know why you brought up American rape statistics here. There aren’t any American women being raped on this site. The site exclusively features Japanese Adult Videos. And that’s why I like the site.

I don’t know the rape statistics in Japan, or in any of the countries where JAV.Guru may be viewed. I know I’ve never talked to another American who said they’d used JAV.Guru. And I have no idea how many of the site’s users view the site from the USA, or how many American rapists have viewed the site.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

FWIW, I do have friends, female friends in America who have said they have been raped. And they seem like they were traumatized, pretty much just like the article you quoted reported. One of them leads meetings of support groups. But she occasionally wants some support herself.

I try to listen, and maturely support them all, if they bring “it” up when we’re talking. . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

So you seem to have next asked

Were you one of those rapists? As in what? A rapist who raped in America?

Short answer. No.

Long answer. I don’t know what the definitions of rape are that were used to arrive at those USA statistics.

But when I was young enough to have a Jr High age girlfriend, and a high school aged girlfriend, I did get my fingers into my Jr. High School girlfriend. Many times. And other girls in high school. If their being under 18 means they were raped statutorily to receive my finger inside them, well, that’s a definitional thing. But I was young then too. I think there are laws called “Romeo and Juliet” laws that do, or by my way of thinking, should make “consensual” teen age petting legal, and not define it as rape. . .

Anyway. I never sexually touched a female who wasn’t happy about the touching, who wasn’t touching me back and generally, being loving – or at least fun . . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

And as to the “And if not, because it would be difficult to admit it here wouldn’t it, how do you explain your apparent glee and pleasure in watching women being raped?

I take no such pleasure, and show no “apparent glee and pleasure” in watching women being raped. Not that I’m aware of.

I know I’ve never watched a women be raped in real life. And I think I’ve never enjoyed watching a rape scene that was filmed as a performance.

Hated the rape scene in Straw Dogs. . .

Can’t remember seeing any others. . .

Except the JAV performances like the site posts, meaning the ones from the JAV industry.

But they generally aren’t aiming to depict the kinds of rapes that leave women traumatized. At least not the JAVs I enjoy. I prefer the ones where the woman enjoys herself, wants more, seeks more.

Kind of like the title to this movie. “Woman Who Wants to . . .” or the series A woman who wants to be a pervert

Thank you for your thoughtful comments on serious subjects.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Although many of the things in the post by are you a rapist may have been correct, there were SO many things asserted in the post, I hope you don’t mind my asking what you mean.

Correct about what?

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

And it all seemed to me that your comment and are you a rapist‘s comment are both misplaced as a comment to this video or this series.

I wouldn’t call this a rape video or a rape series. The conduct that starts it all occurs in crowded mass transportation. Any conscious woman in a crowded bus or train in real life can call for help of she’s unable to prevent herself from being raped.

Oh, and only one of the 19 posts of movies the site has from this series has a “Rape” tag. Don’t know why it has that, but I saw one for the movie

[SNIS-034] Girls Looking for M****ters – Standoffish Girls With Big Tits Edition Yua Kuramochi

The interesting theme that drives this video is the woman wanting the attention, the contact. Thus the title A woman who wants to be a pervert. If I’d been tagging the series, and trying to be accurate about it, I don’t think I would have used a “Rape” tag. . .

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

When do you think Ramadan ends? Would it be with the sighting of the moon from Mecca on Saturday 22 April? Or some other time. . .?

1 year ago

What are your thoughts about the traditional religions in Japan, Shinto and Buddhism?

Because I’m assuming we, both of us, log into this site to see how different life is in Japan from where we live. And Japan certainly seems quite free of the Judaeo-Christian religious history, (like Scarlet Letters and the wife of Lot turning into a pillar of salt when Sodom and Gomorrah . . . Don’t need to finish that. . .)

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Why did you ignore the subject of abuse? are you a rapist mentioned abuse, and reviewing the tags for this series, A woman who wants to be a pervert, six of them had abuse tags. You only mentioned rape. Any reason?

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

Did what you wrote yourself begin with the following?

“At first glance, this site appears to revel in posting videos that feature women being raped.

There is even a tag for rape that brings up 1150 videos. Another one for abuse brings up 2137 videos. . .”

In just a partial start of a response:

I looked at the links. The site’s info seems to have 1152 rape videos on its rape hyperlink now. The abuse tag seems to bring up 2139.

I don’t know whether its correct to say “the site seems to revel. . .” That seems like a very rhetorical, loaded word, “revel.”

If you look at the bottom of the screen of the site’s home page, the “Tags” info shows that other tags are far more popular than “rape” or “abuse” which are so (comparatavely) rare that they didn’t even make the list.

And the “site” doesn’t make the movies. To attribute any “reveling” to the source, it may be more accurate to say “the JAV industry appears to. . .”

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

I’m not so sure that arguing that there are many more tags than just rape is an appropriate response to the fact that women get raped.

You doth protest too much, methinks.

There are other posts where someone has boasted that they got inside your head. Maybe, just chill, ignore and enjoy the site.

1 year ago
Reply to  chillin

You may be right to say “just chill, ignore and enjoy the site..

But frankly, two of the main things I enjoy about the site are the comment section and the User Submission feature. I like using both. Like trying to get a movie that I thought was good posted here. And like talking up all the “stuff” that might come up pertaining to life, sex, the universe and everything that people post here.

I don’t think this movie was my User Submission. Usually, when I see a movie I submitted get posted, its within say two weeks of when I requested it, and I remember doing it. I don’t think I requested this one. But I could have. I really do like the series.

And I do enjoy commenting and reading the comments. Like years ago, I enjoyed reading Playboy magazine, not just for the pictures, but also for the articles and interviews. (My first ever Playboy had a John Lennon interview 🙂 )

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago
Reply to  chillin

So – as to “protesting too much.” . .

Um, that usually is used to indicate doubt of someone’s sincerity, including regarding the truth of a strong denial.

Not sure what you think there was in my commenting about the tags as I did that might seem insincere. . .

Whether the site “revels” in posting videos that feature women being raped really isn’t on me. Nothing to be insincere about there. . . Anyone can see what the site posts if they look. . .

I was a bit suspicious of the commenter’s rhetoric. . . Do you think pointing out that “reveling” was a loaded word in the circumstances, a word that might be beyond the scope of accuracy, was somehow being “too excessive to be believed?”

1 year ago
Reply to  chillin

But in the spirit of Hamlet, and on your subject of some other commenter “getting inside” my “head:”

I hardly see the harm in typing out various thoughts here. I don’t see any reason to keep my thoughts protected, private. That makes the situation very different from Hamlet.

So no need to respond with other lines from that play, lines like:

“Why, look you now how unworthy a thing you make of me: you would play upon me. You would seem to know my stops, you would pluck out the heart of my mystery, you would sound me from my lowest note to my compass. And there is much music, excellent voice, in this little organ. Yet cannot you make it speak. ‘Sblood! Do you think I am easier to be played on than a pipe? Call me what instrument you will, though you fret me you cannot play upon me.”

Nope. I prefer a discussion to protective silence. That’s the theory behind free speech. The theory that people might actually understand things better by discussing them. . .

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

(Whoops. Misplaced that. It was supposed to be a reply to “are you a rapist“)

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago

Damn it, I thought this was going to be about a woman fucking a real chicken. I just love those horrid cries of pain the chicken makes as the lady boner penetrates its egg hole.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

Other Mike.

You bringing in some comic relief?

Or are you the name switcher, back to trolling by name stealing?

(The second half of that would be rhetorical if you are the name-switcher, as the answer would be obvious. . .)

By the way. I think Mallards are the only birds I’ve seen “in action” that have a penis. And its the male Mallards that have the penis. No “Lady Boners exist” in chickens. . . Not even wanna be chickens. Not really.

There’s even an article that says of the birds, only ostriches, emus, ducks and geese have a penis. 97% of bird species have no penis

But male mallards sure do rape female mallards all the time. Groups of them chasing and exhausting the poor thing, driving away her mate. Its a bit frightening to watch, and Mallards did this in or near my swimming pool SO many times as I looked on.

All of course related to that REALLY long post in the name of are you a rapist . . . See above

Last edited 1 year ago by Mike
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike

Not those fucking ducks again!

1 year ago
Reply to  Tony

Every year, more of the same. . .

1 year ago

Amazing movie.

Especially the first bus scene in a real moving bus, with so many shots out to the traffic and the people in the city