[PPPD-424] (English subbed) Shota’s Sister’s Seductive Boobies – Creampie Sex! JULIA
![[PPPD-424] (English subbed) Shota’s Sister’s Seductive Boobies – Creampie Sex! JULIA](https://cdn.javmg.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/pppd424pl.jpg)
Shota becomes fascinated by his friend’s sister Julia, particularly by her big tits.
He then pretends to be dumb to get closer to her.
It seems to work out, as she was exceptionally forgiving to him. And so he begins to take advantage of her kindness, ramping up with the demands.
Please add MD /FE for high quality, it’s a humble request @admin , please add MD/FE server link
Pervert Shota Who Loves Boobs An Innocent Cock He Wants To Fuck All The Time!! Creampie Sex Attacked by Instinct. Shota Chin Chin is a big breakout in J cup boin!!
The site’s prior post of this movie and its comments
[PPPD-424] Shota Sister Of Temptation Boyne Pis Ji ○ Port And Cum Etch! ! JULIA
(insert reaction that trolls like)
Us shitskins and ragheads really are a useless ugly race
I will keep pretending to be gigachad
Please sub RIX-006
MyFren I will detonate myself if I see you in the public
Are you SEMADIM?
best shotacon theme
stop being a terrorist
Seriously?? 2015 video which has already sub elsewhere
Shouta is a legend 🙂
julia is just timeless~
Anyone know the name of the short actor who plays the first shota to “go for it” with her. In the striped shirt, blue shorts, white socks as the movie opens?
He was great in [SHKD-432] Reunite With Former Football Manager Of Alumni Association! Azumi Harusaki as the guy who passed the ball, and had to watch his lovely old team manager go to work for the guy who received the pass and scored the goal and went on to win the girl.
And he was the rich guy in charge of everyone doing the wife in front of her husband in [MEYD-421] Big Tits Wife Slave To Rough Fuck Impregnated Before Husband’s Eyes Riri Hosho
I looked at the hyperlinked actor names in this movie, and the other movies ones I listed, and just don’t see that his name has been tagged in any of them. . .
Oh, I remember this one. It was one of my favorites that really got me into Julia. Wow, she looked so damn good in this.
Unless and until the site analyzes the issue and reveals the results of the study, the answer cannot be reliably given. A trollologist may be of assistance. Trollology is the study of internet trolls. A trollologist studies the habits of trolls in hopes to point out certain characteristics that trolls carry, so that these characteristics are pointed out to the public. Opinions vary on whether Trollology succeeds to any extent in defeating the goals of internet trolls. The goals of the trolls vary. In some circumstances, the intent of the trolling behavior may even be to amuse and entertain. However, trollologists have explored trolling as a malevolent behaviour, where the troll wants to hurt their online victim. The most powerful predictor of trolling was sadism. The more someone enjoys hurting others, the more likely it is they will troll. Trolling is defined as a malicious online behaviour, characterised by aggressive and deliberate provocation of others. “Trolls” seek to provoke, upset and harm others via inflammatory messages and posts. Psychopathy is characterized by callousness, deceitfulness and a lack of personal responsibility. Sadism is characterized by enjoyment of physically and/or psychologically harming other people. Self-esteem was not an independent predictor of trolling.… Read more »
At least two “impersonation” comments copied that post 10 months later. They were the comments Mike and Mike
Googled some more. The original looks like it was written by Evita March Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Federation University Australia
Wonder if she would want to study what goes on her on this site.
Is this re-upload or there will be a new chapter ?
Can somebody also explain why this guy mike has to breakdown every single fuckin video like hes some kind of jav expert or something?
I mean…stfu tonto!
Nobody cares what you think
Also can somebody explain why so many indo shit skins like nyga leah and semendum and mindblown here? This is an asian site. Should be primarily asian viewers and commenters
Claim. “This is an Asian site. Should be primarily Asian viewers and commenters.”
To bolster a rhetorical, abusive question asking “Can somebody explain why so many indo shit skins like nyga leah and semendum and mindblown here?” a commenter, posting using the name of a different commenter (presumably to remain unidentified and avoid accountability) has asserted that JAV.Guru is an Asian site.
The commenter offered no definition of the meaning of Asian, and no evidence that JAVGuru is an “Asian” site.
Oh mikey, you posting boring novellas under other names now too?
what dont you get?
Could write a book. So for instance, the use of a lower case letter and diminutive nickname.
Why not capitalize a name?
The only name I don’t capitalize out of customary respect for others is the name of the former predisent of the United States. I use a lower case d to type “the donald.” Largely because he is an abuser, publicly using insulting nicknames for others, (Meatball Ron, Low Energy Jeb, Little Marco, Dumb as a Rock Mika, Morning Psycho, etc., calling other countries “shitholes” etc. And because when I was young, and the donald was a sex-fiend legend in his own mind democrat, I preferred his ex wife Ivanna, who was busy raising their kids and being in fun movies like “First Wives Club.”
So are you like the donald, a legend in your own mind? Do you consider yourself superior to the other people who type/post in the comment section? If so, why? What have you got going for yourself?
For instance, were you the 45 predisent of the United States, and come here to practice being an alpha male?
Another thing I don’t get. What do you mean by “ASIAN WOMEN = OUR WOMEN”
Lets start with the “What do you mean by “ASIAN.””
I’ll go out on a limb here. I’ll say almost every woman featured on JAV.Guru was Japanese. A few exceptions. I remember a number of hafus, a few blondes (billed as Scandinavian or Americans or something similar), a Hong Kong native who interviewed in Cantonese. . .
But just as that Fact Check stuff went into the different things that Asian could mean, I also don’t understand what you mean by Asian Women. Do you roughly mean “Japanese” Women. And mean “This is a Japanese site. Should be primarily Japanese viewers and commenters.”
Then there’s the “What do you mean by “OUR.”” I don’t think you mean me and you. I don’t know whether you’re Japanese, so I don’t know if you mean “Our Japanese Women.” I don’t know whether you’re Asian from another Asian country.
So, Troll. Where do you come from?
And what do you mean by “OUR?”
JAV.Guru has always used the English language for its comments, titles, terms, basically all its writing. This implies that JAVGuru is a site based in a predominantly English-speaking part of the world, e.g., England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, USA, Austrailia, New Zealand, etc. None of these countries are considered Asian, although English is spoken widely in many Asian countries, such as Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, Hong Kong, India. . .
JAV.Guru’s clock designating the time of the posting of a comment is set to GMT, – English time. England is not part of Asia, unless one takes the view that Eurasia is a continent, or that Africa and Eurasia together for a continent.
.guru was one of the first seven generic top-level domains launched simultaneously by Donuts in late 2013. Donuts company’s headquarters are located in Bellevue, Washington, USA. The USA is in North America, not Asia.
.guru was developed to be a gTLDs for businesses offering expert services. .guru remains a popular niche for many individuals and small businesses, particularly in India. India is in Asia.
JAVGuru designates the laws of Cyprus as the laws governing the site. Cyprus is geographically in Western Asia, but its cultural ties and geopolitics are overwhelmingly Southeastern European
JAV.Guru posts Japanese adult videos. Japan is geographically considered part of East Asia. Conventionally East Asia or Eastern Asia refers to the eastern part of the Asian continent plus the island nation of Japan.
However, JAV.Guru does not post adult videos from any of the continental Asian countries, or any of the other Asian Island nations.
Oh, and troll. You really seem to love making an accusation and typing like whatever you invented is SO upsetting. I don’t breakdown “every” video. I don’t recall ever breaking down any video. Depending on what you mean by “breaking down. I’m not North American Native, so the “tonto” thing is off base. And you don’t know whether anyone else cares about anything that anyone posts here. You don’t speak for anyone but yourself, and I doubt you even honestly post your own thoughts. So the nobody cares is just words. . .
Yeah its kinda annoying. I dont believe admin allow its here even after manual moderation..
Very annoying. I don’t blame admin though. I hope it didn’t come off that way. Thank-you for everything you do admin! Much appreciated!
Wtf i never posted as you. Don’t involve me in your problem Mike.
As further examples, over a year ago, around April 10, 2022, the following exchange occurred in Indonesian:
“Nyangleh Reply to Larry Gadon
Norak tau ggak?
Nyangleh Reply to Nyangleh
Wkwkkw sendirinya norak ngatain org laen norak, kerja sana gih boy, biar bs beli cermin. Kasian, 5 bulan jd pengangguran cm bs ngetroll di web jav pake username viewer laen wkwkwkwk berfaedah sekali idup lu”
Continuing this example, over a year ago, from April 10-14, 2022, the following exchanges occurred in English:
“Nyangleh Reply to air tenang menghanyutkan
Let me get personal for a second. My business is not doing well, I need your help now. It will only take you a few minutes, but it makes a world of a difference to me. Lend me a hand and I guarantee you will feel good. I suck cock for a living. Don’t listen to imposter boy’s poison.
Nyangleh Reply to Nyangleh
I hope you go bankrupt
Nyangleh Reply to Nyangleh
Lol, says the one who’s been unemployed for 5 months, and using all his free time to troll on a JAV site using another viewer’s username.
Nyangleh Reply to Nyangleh
Lmao, seems like my impostor is running out of topics after 5 months of trolling.”
Additionally, there was the following April 10-14, 2022 exchange:
“Nyangleh Reply to mamet
I want to lick her butthole and dick with passion
Nyangleh Reply to Nyangleh
Says someone who’s so passionate to troll using another viewer’s username for 5 months straight, lmao”
Fact Check by JAV.Guru Check. TRUE
There is direct evidence that a troll “troll-posted as Nyangleh for more than a year.”
Hmmm. With all the name stealing that’s occurred, I’ve really got no idea if you are the same person posting as Nyangleh who posted a bit later at 3:14 p.m., in a good mood, talking about going off to boot camp for a while, leaving soon.
Possibly not. That Nyangleh capitalized his personal pronoun “I” as in “I’m” and “I’ll.”
Anyway, whatever problem you’re referring to, I don’t see it as “my” problem. Trolling affects the whole site. It’s more like graffiti, which mars the community that is affected. . .
I’m sure you realize, I never claimed you posted with my name. Not sure about why you posted a “denial” of doing that that made it to print here. . .
And don’t need to know
If you are the same commenter, and you’re really off to boot camp soon, best of experiences there, and building from it
Mike, consider taking a break from this site. The troll isn’t going to cease his bullshit. You know this, his identity (such as it is) is wrapped up in his antics here, that’s utterly clear. And your’s similarly seems to be lashed to the mast here. Not healthy, not in the least. Surely there’s other things to do with your energy, probably important things. How many hours are you clocking here a day, or a week? Time for self assessment friend.
Truth – I’m not at all sure who you are, or why you post. I remember being backed up a while ago on this trolling issue with a post about the troll
Truth Reply to Mike
“He has brain lesions. Brought on by end-stage syphilis”
Was glad to see that. It made me laugh.
But there’s so much name stealing going on here lately.
Just goggled “jav.guru truth” and I see that the other day, you or someone using your name responded to what looked like a fairly innocent post by Lmao fairly abusively, writing:
“Take your ritalin, ADHD need not control your life. . . .”
So truth is, I take any post (especially in the comments to the first movie of the day) with a grain of salt. You called me “friend.” But with advice to go away. Not at all sure what to make of that in these days of “false flag” posts. .
Anyway. I’ve been capable of assessing myself any and every day of my life for quite a while. I don’t see this day, or this week, as needing self assessment more than any other day or week or time of life.
I don’t feel that my identity is “lashed” to any metaphorical “mast,” here, or anywhere else. And I don’t think that metaphors are what truth is made of.
As an aside, I looked up lashed to the mast. Its apparently a reference to the scene in Homer’s Odyssey in which Odysseus has his men lash him to the mast so that he will not succumb to the lure of the Sirens. From the practice of tying oneself to the mast of a sailing ship in rough weather so as not to be swept overboard.
Anyway. . . Absolutely every person who logs in here could be asked how many hours they are here a day, a week, and every user has other things they can do with their energy. Possibly important. But we all find time to see what’s here on the site, all for our own personal reasons. Within what our other activities, duties allow. And not necessarily lashed to any mast.
I’ve always liked discussions that share experiences, without giving advice. People who advise others, without a license to do so, and an invitation to do so, set of my alarm bells. Metaphorically speaking.
No offense. Truth is, I do like a good metaphor. 🙂
But Truth, here is a question for you. And not asking abut “we” like you or I. But the literary question. “What then must we do?” Tolstoy , et, or Billy Kwan in The Year of Living Dangerously.
Related to the John Stuart Mill quote:
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
So – Someone seems really committed to making people hate – who knows what. The name Mike? The name Nyangleh? Perhaps hate this site, or hate people who use the site. Hate visiting the site? . . .
But I generally, wouldn’t want this site’s comment section to be overrun by abusive trolls. I think that for as long as there’s no content moderation, mature people commenting can at least resist whatever goals the trolls have.
There’s so much abusive trolling, I pretty much limit my responses to trying to offset abuse that someone posts involving my name. But it leads to the question. What should one do?
I wonder what two-years-ago’s non-trolling mindblown or Nyangleh thought about, when the trolling started to be posted using their names. (Wonder if you’re one of them.)
Oh, and Truth. I had a little time to review posts from the past week or two. Saw you commented a number of times, comments I’d missed when they were fresh. All intelligently, appropriately written. And saw one time you rebuffed a comment (posted as by some “Mike”) that was totally beyond the pale, a comment about a getting excited viewing video about a concentration camp.
Glad you’re commenting. Thanks for the thought you give it. Will further consider what you suggested.
Oh, and dear commenter posting as Nyangleh. Meaning whoever is posting this time as Nyangleh. Surely you’ll agree, there has been a Nyangleh posting in this site who would go out of the way to be abusive.
Have a look back, for example, at the 9 10 22 post seven months ago in [IPX-583] (English subbed) Forbidden After School – Female Teacher and Student’s Immoral Velocious Intercourse – Tsubasa Amami that got abusive in response to a sub request, and drew these replies.
Nyangleh Reply to Nyangleh
Lmao this imposter. You have no friends and only a tiny dick.
Mike Reply to Nyangleh
Upset again? Whoever you are? . . .
Or the follow-up posts. . .
Perhaps you’ll agree the same person may be trolling with changing names lately, and still posting as Nyangleh after trolling as Nyangleh (and probably other names) for so many months.
Oh, and Admin,
Could a sub Please be done of [IPZ-371] Please R**e My Wife Tsubasa Amami?
Asik bener dikocokin pake toket nya
Do better dude! This been subbed years!
Subbed word for word identically years ago (see [PPPD-424] Shota Sister Of Temptation Boyne Pis Ji ○ Port And Cum Etch! ! JULIA) from what I could see. . .
So why re-post it? Anyone have any thoughts on that?
Make videos on aunt
Hey shut shout your mouth we have many beautiful girls and even woman
Its a porn you Idiot! Deriving and generalizing things out of watching porn is probably one of the dumbest shits I have ever seen. It still fascinates me seeing dumb peoples like these exist. And bravo to you, dragging your religion into a porno discussion dumbass. At the very least, leave your idiotic pride and debate aside from porn. You are a shame to your religion as well as the place you belong!
shut up camel, you are uglier than goats and you couldn’t women unless your trash religion allowed you
The word Asia originated from the Ancient Greek word Ἀσία, first attributed to Herodotus (about 440 BCE) in reference to Anatolia or to the Persian Empire, in contrast to Greece and Egypt. It originally was just a name for the east bank of the Aegean Sea, an area known to the Hittites as Assuwa.
In early Classical times, the Greeks started using the term “Asia” to refer to the whole region known today as Anatolia (the peninsula which forms the Asian portion of present-day Turkey). The Roman Empire referred to the entire Lydian region of what is now northwestern Turkey as the province of Asia. Eventually, however, the name had been stretched progressively further east, until it came to encompass the much larger land area with which we associate it today, while the Anatolian Peninsula started being called “Asia Minor” or “The Lesser Asia” instead.
The deeper root of the etymology of the name Asia can only be guessed at. The following two possibilities have been suggested:
It could have originated from the Aegean root “Asis” which means “muddy and silty” as a description of the eastern shores of the Aegean Sea.
It could derive from the borrowed Semitic root “Asu”, which means varyingly “rising” or “light”, of course a directional referring to the sunrise, Asia thus meaning ‘Eastern Land’.
Boy, that sounds like the “royal” we.
As in the use of a “We,” used by a single person who is a monarch or holds a high office, used to refer to themselves.
Do you hold some high office? Work for the site perhaps? Own or operate the site?
Or were you appointed to speak for others? Meaning “We” as in you and the people you represent?
If you were appointed to speak for others, um, who exactly do you speak for?
STFU! I don’t wanna hear your drama here. Just fap and leave!
I am the OP. All I can say is, love this site, but it has the worst and most ridiculous comments section I have ever seen as a whole. What I would like to see is general reviews and opinions on the content/stars. Maybe suggestions of similar videos. Much less toxicity. Is that too much too ask?
It’s not. From your wishes to reality. . .
Thanks. I just wish it would stop. It’s not even funny. I don’t mind trolling here and there. Sometimes it’s funny. But in this case, it’s irrelevant and just ruins the comments.
you guys do so many reuploads it’s insane jfc
This is disgusting. Change your ways.
Guys plzz help me find this video
“Mom and Son Are Having Dinner on a dinner table Beside a Kitchen
When Mother Get A Call from Dad that He will be away for Work For Couple of days.
Then Mom goes To her Room And Begins Masturbating The Son peeks And Catches Her masturbating Mad Starts Fucking Her
After that maybe Next day after Again having a meal the son Asks Mom
(Now in Ponytail and light Green top)
“Are You Hiding from me?”
hugs Her And Seduces Her to give him a Blowjob And Titty Fuck
Mom Says “May I?” and Starts Giving him blowjob and on kitchen floor and Tittyfuck and Stting him on a dinner chair
After the tittyfuck
Now the mom is seduced and Mom In blue Lingerie And Son start To have passionate Sex ”
It has A subbed Version I just can’t find find it again
Plzz guys Code for the above movie
I fucked ur mom
My first introduction in jav is Julia
Another episode from this one ?
We hope they continue this story
Pls more julia movies wiyh subtittle….i beg you admin…