[HUNTB-514] “What? This is an exercise! I’m the only guy in the nursing school! I can see and touch her breasts and buttocks without any protection during the on-campus exercises, so naturally I get a full erection!
I know it’s a fantasy, but I like this medical scenario compared to the massage parlor series, it makes sense that the instructor would relieve the patient if he is in “pain” or to try to fit his dick into the pee bottle.
Even the body scrub scene is sort of realistic, the teacher is nice and kind and will wash his genitals despite the erection. It makes more sense than the massage parlor series, unless “happy endings” are part of the job description.
I know it’s a fantasy, but I like this medical scenario compared to the massage parlor series, it makes sense that the instructor would relieve the patient if he is in “pain” or to try to fit his dick into the pee bottle.
Even the body scrub scene is sort of realistic, the teacher is nice and kind and will wash his genitals despite the erection. It makes more sense than the massage parlor series, unless “happy endings” are part of the job description.