[CAWD-503] Erotic Lolita Big Tits Beautiful Young Lady Looking Up At You, Punting Adult in Life-Ending Situation If She Gets Caught, Whispering Seduction, Nakadashi Monaka
I will devour it. when you talk! situation! Situation! with a color scheme. backyard sex. OKAY! will do up. Sengoku Monaka Mister Miss. Drunken female student situation at the counter! You can put it in” The whisper of obscenities is too erotic! Fall boldly with Poonari’s ugly face temptation. Don’t make any weird noises! Why do you want to be a student I’m disqualified… I’ll tell you loudly! Situation .S! Atuasi! Honey trap x Colleagues, bosses and customers in an emergency!
2 years ago
Strange Title Translation. . . Sounded serious. But the cover didn’t look serious.
I looked up the Big White Letters on the cover, top rightish
バレたら baretara If you find out
人生が終わる jinsei ga owaru Life Ends
状況で jōkyō de In the situation.
I hope it just means “Shssh” We could get caught. 🙂
Last edited 2 years ago by Mike
2 years ago
The title n the cover, in its segments, per Google Translate
I will devour it. when you talk! situation! Situation! with a color scheme. backyard sex. OKAY! will do up. Sengoku Monaka Mister Miss. Drunken female student situation at the counter! You can put it in” The whisper of obscenities is too erotic! Fall boldly with Poonari’s ugly face temptation. Don’t make any weird noises! Why do you want to be a student I’m disqualified… I’ll tell you loudly! Situation .S! Atuasi! Honey trap x Colleagues, bosses and customers in an emergency!
Strange Title Translation. . . Sounded serious. But the cover didn’t look serious.
I looked up the Big White Letters on the cover, top rightish
バレたら baretara If you find out
人生が終わる jinsei ga owaru Life Ends
状況で jōkyō de In the situation.
I hope it just means “Shssh” We could get caught. 🙂
The title n the cover, in its segments, per Google Translate
上目遣い Uwamedzukai Upturned eyes
がエロい ga ero i is erotic
ロリ巨乳 rori kyonyū big loli
美少女が bishōjo ga beautiful girl
バレたら baretara If you find out
人生が終わる jinsei ga owaru Life Ends
状況で jōkyō de In the situation.
オトナをおちょくる otona o ochokuru teasing adults
中出しおねだり naka dashi o nedari begging for creampie
囁き誘惑 sasayaki yūwaku whispered seduction
千石もなか Sengoku mo naka Sengoku Monaka
Thank you, Mike.