[SPRD-878] Surrogate mother – Ayako Inoue

[SPRD-878] Surrogate mother – Ayako Inoue

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111,217 views Posted: February 3, 2023
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2 years ago

This video has the really thick booty non-sexual actress in a nude scene at the very beginning! I think the only other video where she does anything sexual is SPRD-952 where she gives a BJ to her boyfriend maybe within the first 5 or 10 minutes. Too bad they never show her fat ass in either video.

2 years ago

SPRD-952 My Mother In Law Is A Much Better Woman Than My Wife Arisa HaniyuRelease Date: 10 May 2017

2 years ago

I absolutely love this site’s User Submission feature. 🙂

When [SPRD-1013] Surrogate mother Hitomi Enjou was posted on January 31, 2023, the comment by NonSexualActressShowsBoobs got me really reviewing the other movies in this series. With an emphasis on the versions where the young wife who can’t conceive had sex on camera and then performed fellatio on her husband in front of her watching, excited mother to get them in the mood. Found at least three more of the installments had that plot. So I tried a user submission for each of those three I’d found.

SPRD-886 Surrogate Mother Hitomi Honjo 2016-07-06 [SPRD-886] Surrogate mother – Hitomi Honjo

SPRD-878 Surrogate Mother Ayako Inoue 2016-05-31 [SPRD-878] Surrogate mother – Ayako Inoue

SPRD-870 Surrogate Mother Shidori Gakudo 2016-04-21 – [SPRD-870] Surrogate mother – Shiori Amado

The young wives stimulating their husband as the “surrogate” mom to be watches seemed like a plot twist from earlier episodes where the wife watched as her mother performed fellatio on her husband – and then the sex of course. . .

Mom and daughter are both especially pretty in this one. . . 🙂

Thanks Admin and Mods for posting 🙂

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike
Sofia takigawa
2 years ago

Damn this man loves to lick armpit

2 years ago


1 year ago

Has anyone ever found out the name of actress playing the girlfriend in this video? She plays the non-sexual role in so many videos. There was one JAV video that wrote her name as Kiritani. But I’m not sure if that was her character’s name in the video or if that is the name of the actress.

5 months ago

I finally found out the non-sexual wife’s name
Her current Japanese name is Kiritani Miwa (桐谷美羽). Her twitter is miwakiritani. She has gone by many names in the past. Including:

Kiritani Miwa
Miu Kiriya
Yamada miyuki
Amika Tachibana
Kaede Kaneko

and I am sure there are others.

I even found some hardcore videos!

I want to REQUEST the following videos:
Tokyo-Hot-k1020 Prey female Kaede KanekoACZD-119

ACZD-119 is a sex education video that teaches how to do S&M using only
your hands and no toys or tools! Some very good secret Japanese sex tips. They used her as one of the models to demonstrate each technique. Really hot if you ask me.