[HUNTB-462] “Pow… pow… what happened to your pants?” She thought she had no pants on, but she’s in fact wearing a bandage! My sister doesn’t care about panties….
My sister had washed all her underwear and was covering her private parts with bandages because she felt it was embarrassing to go without panties! I forgot about that and went about my day as usual, but when her skirt flipped up, I couldn’t help but take a second look! When I asked her about her panties, she said, “You can’t see them, can you?” and didn’t seem to care, but she was so sexy that I couldn’t stop staring at her, and sure enough, I got an erection… And just when I thought she’d find out and get angry, she got excited seeing my erection and her bandage got soaked… At this point, anything’s OK!
My sister had washed all her underwear and was covering her private parts with bandages because she felt it was embarrassing to go without panties! I forgot about that and went about my day as usual, but when her skirt flipped up, I couldn’t help but take a second look! When I asked her about her panties, she said, “You can’t see them, can you?” and didn’t seem to care, but she was so sexy that I couldn’t stop staring at her, and sure enough, I got an erection… And just when I thought she’d find out and get angry, she got excited seeing my erection and her bandage got soaked… At this point, anything’s OK!