[HUNTB-462] “Pow… pow… what happened to your pants?” She thought she had no pants on, but she’s in fact wearing a bandage! My sister doesn’t care about panties….

[HUNTB-462] “Pow… pow… what happened to your pants?” She thought she had no pants on, but she’s in fact wearing a bandage! My sister doesn’t care about panties….

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67,609 views Posted: January 21, 2023
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1 month ago

My sister had washed all her underwear and was covering her private parts with bandages because she felt it was embarrassing to go without panties! I forgot about that and went about my day as usual, but when her skirt flipped up, I couldn’t help but take a second look! When I asked her about her panties, she said, “You can’t see them, can you?” and didn’t seem to care, but she was so sexy that I couldn’t stop staring at her, and sure enough, I got an erection… And just when I thought she’d find out and get angry, she got excited seeing my erection and her bandage got soaked… At this point, anything’s OK!