[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha

[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha

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802,585 views Posted: December 31, 2022

The protagonist, who works at a convenience store, has some magic candy that enables him to magically take possession of anyone and control the body and will.

So he decides to prank the hot part-time girl Karen and takes over her body for the laughs.

The pranks quickly become sexual, and extremely weird when “he” with the body of “her” starts to have sex with the coworkers. Very sus.

In any case, boy, can Karen Yuzuriha really act. And she’s freaking hot too.

[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha
[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha

[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha
[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha

[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha
[PPPE-022] (English subbed) Possessed a Big-Tits girl Working At The Convenience Store! Things Get Exciting When A Reckless Coworker At A Part-time Jobs Pulls Some Pranks (Lol). Karen Yuzuriha

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2 years ago

Have a good weekend, happy new year 2023, I hope your goals will be achieved next year. who wants to marry an AV artist, amen. those who want polygamy are quickly given the woman they dream of, amen etc!!

2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiM

I want to marry you amen

2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiCK

Marry me instead

2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiLDO


2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiLDO

what if we start a tinder lite here?

2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiM

I fire my tiny tadpoles with nuclear capabilities that will reach her cervix all pinoys will die soon like dogs

Eimi Fuckuda
2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh


M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiM

Santa couldn’t think of better gifts if he thought about it all year. Expert job, guy, and happy new year to you as well.

2 years ago

Happy new year all. Jangan lupa nanas mudanya wkwk

2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

You don’t troll today? OK happy new year then wkwkwk

Misi paket
2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

Lagi nyari kode nuklir yg alur ceritanya suami istri kerja pengawas proyek, trus istrinya diewe sama pekerjanya… Keluaran lama sepertinya filmnya

Sora Shiina
2 years ago

Fappy New year everyone 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Sora Shiina

Fappy new year to you too good sir!

petmalo lodi
2 years ago

titi ko lang ang puputok ngayong bagong taon. piww piww piww

2 years ago
Reply to  petmalo lodi

lagyan mo picollo tol para pumutok na ren ung bayag mo, hahaha!

Ust. Felix Miauw
2 years ago


2 years ago

Anjay, coba di alfamart terdekat ada si mbak ini, tiap hari gw ke alfamart bro

2 years ago

She is an absolute plastic beauty! Finally a better rival to Eimi Fukada. Her attitude is just as amazing; laughing, smiling and having just pure fun while telling the guy it is okay to just creampie her! Amazing

2 years ago
Reply to  Aiko

Is she that plastic? Damn. Looks amazing. Way less RoboCop than Eimi

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Bro

She hasn’t had a boob job. That’s just the claim of wankers (lots of them here on jav.guru) who don’t know their ass from page four. She has very firm breasts,… not to get too technical but breast ‘density’ falls on a spectrum of ‘very’ to ‘minimal’…. it’s related to the ratio of fat to connective tissue in the breasts, and it differs significantly. Some women’s breasts are virtually all fat, their tits just sag as a result and they have no form. At the other extreme, some women can’t get a reliable mammogram performed because their breasts are so dense that the imaging won’t show tumors even if they exist, the image just shows up as a white mass rather than differentiated elements in their breasts. Karen’s are of that nature, that’s why her breast don’t ‘shake’, her breasts aren’t very fatty…Karen’s breasts are her own, they’re not ‘bolt ons’. Her recent nude only video (REBD-699) spends a LOT of time on her ‘chest’, not a trace of surgery…. she is who she is.

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

Page four?

I remember page 3 . . .

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

Thanks for the detailed review for her boobs LOL.

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M
Last edited 2 years ago by Mike
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Despite M and M’s detailed description of the natural variance in mammary tissue, Karen’s augmentation is pretty obvious even to the untrained eye. And it’s not in her chest that any traces of surgery would be found (hiding a scar in the underboob is a technique rarely used in JAV girls).

Another thing little talked about she did some work on is her eyes — enlargement surgery in the outer part. This is what makes her stare feel strange at times. Then there’s her nose and that smile…

I think it’s pointless to defend she’s 100% natural against all odds. We should instead celebrate she had the work she had with the quite stellar results we enjoy. (I personally would have liked more skillful breast augmentation, but can live with the current one.)

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

Read my comment to Mike. Same applies to you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

Glad to see your comment. It felt like zooming back over a year. Back then, so many of the comments on the site actually responded to others, often even politely. We’ll see how the comment section goes this new year. . . I may have already been “trolled” once (that I detected) in someone’s reply to  Silent Watcher (Meaning someone commenting as “Mike” posted: “Cut it off and keep it inside SEMADiM’s mouth. He will help purify the foul smell and make it holy once more. Then just take it out and glue it back when you need it” Unless it was just another “Mike” with a different style. Much prefer when the comments focus on the movies, idols, or issues that somehow pertain. This string has so far. A good thing. . . I’ll give Yuzuriha Karen this. She’s cute and fun. Not my kind of idol, but she doesn’t make me cringe. And I’m not dead set against plastic surgery. Lived three years with a girl who had had a nose job. . . But frankly, I’d rather be thinking about Kawakami Nanami as she gets close to delivering her baby. There’s certain natural aspects to sex that… Read more »

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Burden of proof about her having had surgery lies on those who claim that she has. That’s how it works.

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

PS. As to burden of proof, there’s the matter of a tacit admission. When EVERYONE is saying breast implant/plastic surgery, if our idol didn’t go thru the surgeries, she would be expected to deny it. There’s no assertion on her part that I’ve ever seen denying surgeries. If she isn’t sporting breast implants, she might have brought that to people’s attention by now.

So many sites have talked about her teeth, nose, eyes, breasts, all using the term surgery. The absence of denials in those circumstances. . . Its telling.

So glad my favorite idols aren’t subjects of these discussions.

PPS. Kawakami Nanami should be giving birth this month. I assume the boobie fairy has already visited her, and she’s bigger than ever in her life, and lactating.

I’ve never studied implants. Don’t know how they affect a new mother’s ability to breast feed a new born baby. . .

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

PPPS Plastic surgeons advertise that there’s no breast scar if the patient chooses a Transaxillary Breast Augmentation. Its an incision in a natural fold in each underarm. I’d assume that would have been what she chose, if she did get the implants. I haven’t watched [REBD-699] Karen Midsummer splash・YUZURIHA Karen, but I wondered. Have you looked at photos of the “minimal” underarm scarring after surgery using the transaxillary approach? The scars are undetectable with the arms down, and hard to see once healed.
I haven’t perused her videos so see if there are any scenes focusing on her underarms. Axilary licking doesn’t attract me. (I’ve tasted antipersperant in my ignorant youth doing that, and never repeated the error.) But I would suspect she’d shy away from those if she’d had that kind of surgery

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

That type of surgery leaves a scar, certainly for a period. There’s a Czech model named ‘Mina’ who had that surgery done, very expertly…. the scar was absolutely evident. It would fade, over a period of years. Karen started modeling when she was 18. She shows no scars, not now, not then. Where would she have had the wherewithal to get surgery done to such an impeccable level of perfection, that would have taken an acute knowledge of who to approach, and very, very deep pockets. It’s an absurd hypothesis. She grew up on Okinawa !

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

I find it funny you so easily accept the official story about her coming from Okinawa, as well as her age. I’d like to believe it too, but I know anything coming from the studios or agencies must be taken with a grain of salt.

There was this hugely popular girl who came from Okinawa and adored cum — she did quite a lot of gokkun. You might have heard about her: Uta Kokaku. Several years after her retirement, she confessed she was born in Tokyo and didn’t like cum at all…

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

In the latter part of her career the Czech model ‘Mina’ changed her working name to ‘Nancey’. It was prior to that period (lasting 2 to 3 years) that she had surgical implants. The scars were evident in her armpits. Her implants looked superb, but the scars were still there as an inevitable consequence.

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

One last comment , and then I’ll leave off. You claim ‘everyone’ is saying this model has implants. I beg to differ. A ‘lot’ of comments on jav.guru make that assertion. But this site is often an echo chamber for various idiocies. There are innumerable claims here that innumerable JAV models have had surgeries, that so many models are ‘full of plastic’. Very few Japanese models do plastic surgery, … with the frequent exception of having their upper eyelids altered, a relatively innocuous surgery to lose the ‘asian fold’ trait and have western looking eyes. I’ve heard admin state that Aika has had 3 rounds of surgery , including implants. Her breasts are the same as they ever were… I have uncensored vids of her that are 10 years old, she’s the same girl. So the ostentatious claims are rife here, … the burden of proof always and forever lies on those making the accusations.

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

I know for a fact Aika has had at least 2 things done: eye enlargement and something with her lips (twice). And I know because I happened to be watching Niconico livestreams (if you’re curious, it was Kaji’s, the guy they often use as MC in various actress events) where she explained “in petit comité” what she’d done. Now, you might prefer not to believe me. The videos might still be available if you subscribe to Kaji’s niconico channel, but frankly that is way above the amount of time I can dedicate to this. For what is worth, I don’t think she’s had implants either. I’ve also seen her uncensored vids (and her early censored ones too), and her face is not quite the same though — and not because of aging (only). Now, back to Karen. Her augmentation is self-evident to my eyes — the shape and movement of her breasts looks obviously unnatural to me. It’s not the worst of boob jobs, but not the best either. And let me tell you I 100% agree with your previous description of the differences in mammary tissue. I can even give an example of dense breasts, Mikami Yua’s. … but… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

Res Ipsa Loquitur and [PRED-445], minute 7:25?

PS. I think you’re right. I’m going with thinking she had breast surgery that used a transaxillary approach. On a preponderance of the evidence. I wouldn’t call it clear and convincing, or beyond a reasonable doubt. Haven’t seen before and after photos, or exemplars of scars from the transaxillary approach.

PPS Red storm called me two bad names (below) for mentioning the transumbilical approach. (“fucking nerd” and “bruh”. Bruh hurt worse. I’m not Red storm‘s “bruh.”)

The risks we take by commenting.

Thanks, both of you, for taking the time to set so much out. It matters to me because I prefer women keep their natural bodies, and that women who do don’t feel ignored because men give their attentions to the plastic girls. Its almost taking unfair advantage, and being fraudulent. When women are just so naturally attractive. And yet I also don’t want to “slut shame” ladies or the denigrate members of the medical profession. Anyway, thanks again, both. It was a good read

PPPS Wonder if Yuzuriha Karen will also reveal things on Kaji’s niconico channel someday.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike
2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

There’s apparently even Transumbilical augmentation. During surgery, two small tunnels are created from the umbilicus to each breast and the implant pocket is carefully created. The saline implants are rolled up and advanced into each respective pocket, and the implant is placed under the muscle. The implants are filled with IV saline fluid through fill tubes, and the fill tubes are removed. The recovery time is about 1 week.

I know nothing about what the belly button scarring would look like . . .

Red storm
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

What a fucking nerd bruh

2 years ago
Reply to  Red storm

Why bless you. How freely you dispense vulgar gratuitous abuse. You bring remarkable new tones to the discussion level.

Buaya Yahya
2 years ago

Ingatlah! Barangsiapa yang menyerupai suatu kaum maka ia termasuk bagian darinya. Budaya tahun baru ini adalah budaya barat, tidak sepantasnya kita mengikuti budaya cafear.
Maka daripada itu lebih baik kita mengikuti kebiasaan kaum kita dengan meminum kencing unta yang enak dan menyegarkan.

Indonesia is a shithole
2 years ago
Reply to  Buaya Yahya

Bangala bangala bala bala means ‘i am an ugly indo shit skin’

Kanon simp
2 years ago

Admin if you see this do you know what happened to Kanon Kanade (Kanon Kanon)? It’s been forever since her last video. I thought she was quite popular.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kanon simp

Someone mentioned she is retired but due to her lacking any social media (public one anyways) we don’t know for sure.

2 years ago
Reply to  June

It that’s true, would [WAAA-209] A public toilet woman addicted to creampie who gets in line of old man 20 creampie shots a big orgy – Kanon Sonone have been her last video?


Because it seemed so very like a “not retiring” release. . .

Can’t tell if anything released after that was a new release or just a compilation. .

Jennie and Lisa can suck my blackpink cock
2 years ago

In Indonesia this very well common to have sex with man in convenience store

Sigit Rendang
2 years ago


2 years ago

Happy new year guys and bakayaro(admin).

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Skk

Happy new year to you too, and thanks.

Steven Kupang Tukang Tipu
2 years ago

selamat tahun baru 2023
kalau ada yang kenal sama steven dari kupang….
tolong bilangin untuk balikin duit yang di ambil nya……

2 years ago

Gebleg taun Bruan nonton beginian lu gila

2 years ago

so the guy fucked and sucked the dicks of a bunch of dudes, in a girl’s body? ughh… can’t fap to that, hell no

Jorge Masvidal
2 years ago
Reply to  remufan

For real wtf if they’re gay why are they fucking a chick. Weird ass theme

2 years ago
Reply to  Jorge Masvidal

Gotta admit tho. Regardless of the weird ass story, she is a damn hot actress.

2 years ago
Reply to  remufan

Yeah I thought it was kinda weird too. Like it may be a girl’s body but it’s still a guy who’s fucking and sucking them off.

2 years ago

Happy new year to JAVGURU team, thankyou so much for your work and dedication, wishing the best for this website this new year and ahead!

Abdul tomat
2 years ago

Kuttt ikutt bib kuy teroris

adi hidayati
2 years ago
Reply to  Abdul tomat

jangan sebut teroris saudaraku. “mati syahid”.

Javguru man
2 years ago

Yeah…she is damn hot

2 years ago

Heya everyone and happy New Year. Thought I’d share a trick I discovered recently. So, if you’re anything like me then you’ve likely experienced cum dropping from your dick for some time after having a wank. This can be pretty annoying as you can get disgusting cum stains in your underwear. This is because not all the cum comes out when you climax. Some of it remains in your dick for a while and slowly drips out over time. The solution is to piss because this cleans it all out. When you drink, it usually only takes around 5-10 mins to reach your bladder; 20 mins max. Therefore, you can just down a bottle of water or something and then have your fap. When you’re done, sit yourself on the toilet. It may take a few minutes before you start urinating as the bladder is closed off during sex/masturbation (to ensure that you don’t piss inside her) but you’ll be able to do it eventually when it opens up again. Now you can pull up your pants (after wiping of course and make sure to wash your hands ya filthy animals) and safely know that you’re not gonna drip. Haha… Read more »

Also happens to me....
2 years ago
Reply to  Blair

Hey, thanks, this is helpful!!!

2 years ago

No problem 😀

2 years ago
Reply to  Blair

Pissing is always a good idea, it prevents infections. Also having the bladder half full might or might not help improve the quality of your orgasms.

2 years ago

Indonesians have taken over the website

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  Anon

It ‘is’ an Indonesian website, brother. Admin is Indonesian.

2 years ago
Reply to  M and M

Admin is not Indonesian. I know where he’s from (but won’t tell).

2 years ago
Reply to  Anon

Indonesians are the rightful rulers of Asia. We will nuke the Philippines and carpet bomb for good measure. All nations will celebrate and receive us as liberators and bringers of civilization and peace.

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

His a man on a womans body that wants to fuck another man… Is it consider gay?

2 years ago

please sub RIX-006

2 years ago

Hello I’m finding this specific jav but I forgot the title. I only have few hints where it was like a game, the son should se* and cu* (crea***e)and they will get reward, cash or something. It is a 3 different scene in one video. I think it has english sub also I guess. Maybe someone knows this one.

2 years ago
Reply to  LKirzz

I’ve also been looking for a similar or the same video. I remember the son had to creampie his mom as many times as possible in a day without being caught by the family and the winner would get a reward. There were three different scenes with three different moms. It had eng sub. I can’t seem to find it. I used to watch it on spankbang but the video disappeared.

2 years ago

nah this is mad sus lmao, dude turned into a girl. gay asf

safak pkb surabaya
2 years ago


bu MILF pencuri KONTOL
2 years ago

bib ada kontol nganggur gag

2 years ago

Incroyable j’aime beaucoup

2 years ago

Great acting, nice & unique plot, hot asf

2 years ago

هل ما زلت عاقلا؟

2 years ago

Looking for a certain movie that I saw since long time and not able to find. The theme goes as such:
– Husband and wife are out going somewhere and a face covered guy comes and gropes the wife on the street. Husband catches him and removes the mask and then both know him.
– Husband starts getting cuck fantasies and meets up with the guy and ask him to fuck his wife.
– he probably convinces his wife to have sex with other man and makes her wear a blindfold.
– the guy then fucking her is the same one who had groped her in beginning.
– Somehow wife removes her mask and sees him and resist, but can’t do much as she is enjoying.
– later wife and that guy have lot of sex.
Can anyone help me find this Japanese movie.

2 years ago

What is this? Why would a guy take over a girls body and get hammered by guys?

2 years ago

Loved it. Are there anymore vids with the same story?

Jorge Masvidal
1 year ago

This premise feels like some weird-ass transgender bullshit which is such a shame

1 year ago


1 year ago

Stupid story. Just imagine it that Karen was given aphrodisiacs. Either that or they should have made something of her being in the guys body & fucking the new her & every girl that walked into the store.
That would be amazing.

1 year ago

She takes 2 dicks at the same time around 1:40

Pendeta Esra Soru
1 year ago

Yuk kita colai bareng2