[HMN-272] A friend and I go to a hot spring and discover a boss and his subordinate having an affair with big tits. They call her to a mixed bathing hot spring and cum inside her again and again. Non Kohana

[HMN-272] A friend and I go to a hot spring and discover a boss and his subordinate having an affair with big tits. They call her to a mixed bathing hot spring and cum inside her again and again. Non Kohana

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104,245 views Posted: October 15, 2022
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2 years ago

Interesting “plot”

2 years ago

“discover a boss and his subordinate having an affair with big tits”

Interpretation 1: Boss and subordinate (both males) are having an affair with someone (likely female) with big breasts.
Corollary to Interpretation 1: Perhaps the breasts are disembodied and not attached to a real person so they can dispense with the pleasantries (particularly in Japanese culture)?
Counter to above corollary: For this to be an affair, you have to go behind someone’s back. But if you do that, the breasts go out of sight! So how is this possible?

Interpretation 2: Boss (male) and subordinate (the female with the big breasts) are having an affair

I am sure more interpretations are possible depending on how you punctuate or change word order. There is so much more to JAV than just the skin and kimonos…

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikato

I agree. The title is shit. Does it mean there are two males (boss and his subordinate), or boss (male) and subordinate (female with big tits). And who’s they? The two friends? If so then the title would be grammatically wrong. But, since this is japanese, I would assume that the title is a product of poor translation.

2 years ago
Reply to  BussyHunter

I once shot an elephant in my pajamas

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

What was it doing in your pajamas, Groucho?

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikato


2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Reminds me of a T-shirt that I saw at work, the guy pulled an innocent face but most people knew what the message was: An elephant and a stork facing each other. No text. A tiresome debate wordlessly reopened.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikato

Missed that when you posted it.

And now I missed it again. (I don’t “get it.”)

Perhaps I’ve led a dull sheltered humorless life. . .

It’s sexual. . .?

A size or hardness thing?

Last edited 2 years ago by Mike
2 years ago
Reply to  BussyHunter

We once will shoot a male elephant in her pajamas?

2 years ago
Reply to  BussyHunter

Wish I could read the cover. Is reading porno covers enough incentive to start trying to learn to read Japanese?

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

If translate apps (where you point a camera at it and get results) did not exist, yes. Sometimes you don’t even need English subs for the movies. Chinese subs seem to be very popular at other sites. If you are only interested pivotal conversations, you can pause and point your phone and voila! Obviously not convenient if you want to read every line or if the plot is conversation heavy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikato

Didn’t know. Thanks for the tip

2 years ago
Reply to  BussyHunter

Great topic. I have seen some translations that completely defeat the purpose of choosing JAV over western porn. If I see the same cliches that drove us away from there (“Give it to me baby! Suck that xxxx, bxxch! etc.”), then it is quite discouraging to watch. I’d much rather stay with the culture. It is easy enough (with sites like these) to learn a few keywords (omanko, oppai, nakadashi, namite etc.) and if the subtitles kept these (maybe in italics), then you immerse deeper. Maybe I am in a minority here, but I don’t mind.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikato

Agree. I hate cuss words. Not offended at all by a woman getting thrilled to be surrounded by four – or ten men. But don’t want to know about it if any of them are cussing.

Monkey Expert
2 years ago
Reply to  BussyHunter

Japanese grammar is like a monkey trying to talk. Think of a monkey when a Japanese tries to talk.

Not helpful
2 years ago
Reply to  Monkey Expert

Not helpful

2 years ago
Reply to  Nikato

I understood perfectly what was being presented. The boss was fucking his busty sub and got discovered by two other subordinates who later decide to use their embarrassed co-worker’s PORN BODY for their own pleasures.

2 years ago
Reply to  ddland45

So the subordinates didn’t coerce a horny compromised lady boss?

2 years ago

Salam sempak basahh.