[MIDV-213] Popular Yo●T●b●r Eimi Fukada’s Erotic Costume – 1000000 yen if you endure nipple torture! If you get an erection, you will be fuck and creampie me!

[MIDV-213] Popular Yo●T●b●r Eimi Fukada’s Erotic Costume – 1000000 yen if you endure nipple torture! If you get an erection, you will be fuck and creampie me!

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335,849 views Posted: October 2, 2022

Eimi reached 1 million followers on Youtube. And to celebrate, she does a series of games that involve giving away millions of yens and free creampie…

I just wonder why she bothers doing porn at all anymore. Her JAV earnings must be a joke compared to her Social media empire =

@Youtube (1.1 million)
@Twitter (2.6 million)
@TikTok (4.9 million)
@Instagram (1.3 million)

We made the right woman popular. Congrats, Eimi.

[MIDV-213] Popular Yo●T●b●r Eimi Fukada's Erotic Costume - 1000000 yen if you endure nipple torture! If you get an erection, you will be fuck and creampie me!
[MIDV-213] Popular Yo●T●b●r Eimi Fukada's Erotic Costume - 1000000 yen if you endure nipple torture! If you get an erection, you will be fuck and creampie me!
[MIDV-213] Popular Yo●T●b●r Eimi Fukada's Erotic Costume - 1000000 yen if you endure nipple torture! If you get an erection, you will be fuck and creampie me!

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2 years ago

Congratulations Eimi Fukada for surpassing 1 million YouTube subscribers!! there is a challenge for av actors if they can satisfy them they will get 1 million yen, then the income is 1 million JPY = 105,725.060.50 IDR

2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiM

I DEFECATE ON INDONESIA and swear allegiance to the glorious Kingdom of Black Cock.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

Lmao you must be a lowly pinoy. Nobody will be fooled by such pathetic impersonation and you won’t escape thermonuclear fire. You will die in excruciating pain for your foolishness!

penjelajah bokep
2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiM

bro, we dont need your cringe explanation. just shut up, please.

2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiM

Hi SEMADiM, I want to apologize to you for being a jerk back then. I feel ashamed for my comments that I address to you. I hope I can be a better person in the future. Please accept my apology

2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

Wondered if anyone watched you type that. If someone did, a girl who likes you, I hope.

2 years ago
Reply to  SEMADiM

INR = third world citizen spotted

2 years ago

Fukada Eimi in the top slot two days in a row?

But who will be idol of the month. Girl of the month still shows as: Tsubomi. But she’s been the queen two months in a row already. . .And I forgot, if earlier too. . .

Oh well. Been there, seen those implants. One mans’ food is another man’s. . .

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Ah Iioka Kanako will be girl of the month. Or, for me, always Kana Morisawa. Could be a very good month

2 years ago

Easy. She does porn because she’s a true slut. Definitely my type of gal.

2 years ago

IF going from PornMedia > SocMedia = Upgrade
IF going SocMedia > PornMedia = Downgrade
Eimi I Love you~ ^^

2 years ago

And she has her own protein too and clothing brand if i’m not wrong. Eimi and Yua don’t need to do porn at this point, we are lucky we still have them.

2 years ago

Akbs-027 is such a masterpiece i doubt why it was not subbed yet.?

2 years ago
Reply to  Yuko


white black
2 years ago

its because she still have the contract and its not easy to quit in the porn industry of japan. its like quiting a fraternity

M and M
2 years ago
Reply to  white black

It’s like quitting organized crime. There, I fixed that.

2 years ago

Pretty sure she stated she makes no money off her YouTube, her content isn’t exactly sponsor- friendly… I dunno maybe things changed but I can see it

2 years ago

Sauce is her content. I mean no real brand wants to sponsor that with sums that can make a living.

2 years ago

Eimi chan sex mercenary lol

2 years ago

Kog banyak yg suka ya sama si burik ini

2 years ago

It because her desire in life purpose on which to keep supporting her wanker fans ^^

Rainbow 5.0
2 years ago

Damn i missed you lol

Bilah +6285784140948
2 years ago

Semoga emak gw ga tau kalo gw gay

Bilah +6285784140948
2 years ago

Bib gw mau Lo ngoloh chinchin gw

Soviet Union Supremacy (SUS)
2 years ago

All of good quality girl belongs to supreme leader Putin. We will nuke Japan after that to ensure soviet bloodline spread in Japan

2 years ago

Why do I suspect this post was by the person who posted above as “Nyangleh?”

It is a new tactic, if its the same person. Is it the same commenter who also apologized?

2 years ago

High tier influencer 😀

Nyangleh Gay
2 years ago

ngewe itu engga haram,, yg haram kalo ngewe ga bayar 😛

2 years ago

Need even more social media followers who also happened to be her jav weebs. Gotta convert as many as possible before she quits this porn industry.

2 years ago

i want to be eimi sex slave but she’s rejected me cause my tiny weenie and I have premature ejaculation problem..sigh

2 years ago

She just can’t quit because she signed a contract or something that holds her from quitting.

2 years ago

“We made the right woman popular” I got a lot of love for you Bakayaro but you couldn’t be anymore wrong. Nothing about her is by accident it’s all by design and I refuse to accept this narrative that her popularity was purely organic. Because much like her body her fame is as fake as you possibly can get. Eimi Fukada’s fame is the perfect example of how low the standards have become for women in the AV industry. Nothing about her is unique or special but for some strange reason she’s the industry “It Girl” and it all stems solely from marketing. Because it damn sure wasn’t her because every thing she’s ever done was the same shit others have done before her. We are expected to believe that Eimi Fukada is a big deal when a few months ago the biggest star the industry has ever had Hitomi Tanaka retired after 14 years. And was given such a medicore and underwhelming send-off you would have thought she was just another name. Eimi Fukada is without a doubt one of the most over-hyped women the industry has every had. And I don’t give a fuck what any of her… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

“Plastic disaster . . . ” You got me curious.

I checked out [MUKD-434] Electric Shock Transfer ! Kokoro Amami This Pure And Innocent Girl Lets Loose – purportedly before any plastic surgery. If the commenters were right. 2017-10-23 release date. I didn’t recognize her, if it was her.
And [ONEZ-119] Pretty Girl Whose Uniform Is Too Suited Is My Canojo Vol.006 Amami Kokoro – reportedly after some initial plastic surgery – ifthe commenters were right. More recognizable. 2018-02-02. . .
But my way to look back at her was a vid I got posted with User Submits – [DVDMS-239] A female university student surrounded by full erected cocks got wet in her pussy! A total of 46 shots!. 2018-03-19 release date. Mercifully without breast implants. . .
You write a good advocacy piece. If you don’t attorn for a living, you could have, perhaps still could. . .

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

And on the further subject of plastic disaster, a movie with an uncredited idol in hts second half is about to be released. Such huge implant scars visible under such obvious implants. I’m just disturbed beyond words. Wish sex could be natural, and plastic surgeons, including breast augmentation surgeons committing malpractice, didn’t enter in. . .HAWA-286 Cuckold Verification “It Should Be A Memorabilia Of A Couple’s Sex, But It’s A Pseudo Sex With A Substitute…”Will A Wife Who Continues To Be Rubbed By A Other Man’s Stick In Private AV Production Will Have An Affair Afterwards? Vol.9

2 years ago

Oh and another thing because I would be remiss if I didn’t address her YouTube followers “Milestone” like that means anything in the real world…

Eimi Fukada is an adult film star. Her having millions of followers on her various social media pages don’t mean a damn thing. She ain’t any different then the many other attention whores or THOTs you see on social media. Looking for “Likes” “Shares” and “Donations” simply for existing.

We are expected to give this woman celebratory praise for this shit? Look how far as a society we’ve fallen now when we are expected to be proud of women who literally get railed on camera for our “Entertainment” for having millions of people click the “Follow” button.

Yes I am a fan of the industry and I watch it every so often for the same reasons we all do. But I refuse to give this woman any kind of praise for this stupid shit. We as a society have enabled and empowered the worst kind of people and this is just another example of that.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

THOT’s. Had to Google that. . . Supposedly an acronym of “that ho over there” or acronym of “thirsty hoes over there,” popularized by rappers in Chicago in 2012 . . .

The internet helps me so much. But your post was the impetus. Just like someone a month ago’s post that called something the OG. Learned me a new slang looking that up too. . .

I won’t ask your opinion of Unpai

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

But at least Unpai doesn’t seem to have done it all with surgery. . .

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I read everything you wrote and I don’t know if it’s coming from a place of sincerity or sarcasm. I would hope it’s the lather because you sound like someone who just discovered the Internet. Which is both hard to believe and just plain laughable given where we are. I’m almost scared to ask you how old you are because I really hope your of legal age and not some horny teenager.

Now on your comments regarding “Unpai” I have no idea who that is. At first glance she doesn’t appear to have had any work done but given the nature of the industry I wouldn’t be surprised if she did. Then again there’s all kinds of body enhancements women get now that aren’t all visible to the naked eye so I’ll leave it at that…

Last edited 2 years ago by TheOppaiAddict
2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

Didn’t mean to offend, if I did. You posted something controversial about looking for internet likes. I was in a typing mood, and thought I’d let you know your post was read. I definitely meant no sarcasm. And truly did learn THOT for the first time in my sheltered life. Age wise, I’m old enough that my first born, my daughter, is on the internet now, seeking followers, but for a make-up series of posts, nothing related to porn. But due to divorce, my kids (and ex) are no longer brushing elbows with me day to day to keep me up to date on slang. Your use of THOT makes me think you’re younger than I am. And your decision to post two thoughtful opinion posts – Well, I welcomed that. Was always a fan of discussion.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

And it seemed to me that Unpai started her career by looking for “Likes” “Shares” and “Donations” simply for existing. Thus the tie to your post

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

I don’t find anything Eimi did particularly worthy of praise. I can respect her misplaced courage when she underwent extensive surgery to reboot her career, but frankly that’s not something I’d want to become an example.

On the plus side, for some reason she has tons of female fans, and can thus contribute somewhat in an indirect manner to more talent joining the industry. A big minus is that she promotes this made-in-Korea aesthetics — not that I dislike it that much, but I’d hate to see it become prevalent and remove diversity.

I don’t have any actual knowledge of the person behind the Eimi persona to judge whether she’s really of the worst kind, but do agree she was elevated for the wrong reasons, symptomatic of the times we live in.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

This is the kind of comments I love to see because it opens up a civil discussion without the need for insults. I love what you said about Eimi Fukada’s popularity being detrimental to women. The whole “Made In Korea” aesthetic which is quickly becoming normalized in the entertainment industry not just adult films.

Whoever her handlers may be the so-called “Voice” in her ear who told her she needed to get work done to be successful created this character we see here. There’s a reason why people have started to refer to her as a “Robot” because nothing about her is organic not even her spoken dialog which is scary to think about.

Like take this release for example. In the trailer she looks alarmingly skinny which makes all the work she’s had done more prevalent then ever. And she has this almost deadpanned stare where she looks almost possessed it’s very off-putting and deeply concerning.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

Reading these posts dehumanizing and I’m quite sad. I personally thinks she works VERY hard (I remember one post said she had 3 releases in a day). Between physical work in porn and managing social media; it’s something worth appreciating I guess. It must be super difficult; not to mention the stigma and discrimination. Some people said she’s scary with the fake face and fake tits, but that’s the demand??? I believe sex workers deserve respect and hopefully can live fulfilling life, retire or not, married or not, working in porn industry or being more independent like onlyfans crators; whatever choice they take.

2 years ago
Reply to  otakugal

Let’s get one thing straight here okay? People like you who jump at the defense of women who willingly put themselves in positions to be judged for what they say and do will change nothing. So if your looking for self-validation for jumping at the defense of an ADULT FILM STAR you won’t find it here. I’ve said this before but my problem with Eimi Fukada stems solely from her fame and popularity. It’s entirely fabricated it’s not real much like her body nothing about her is real. The fact that so many people have fallen for the obvious work is both alarming and incredibly annoying. I’m supposed to change my opinion on the woman because she works hard? Did you forget what her job actually is?? Let me break this down for you… Eimi Fukada’s job is to have sex on camera. The only thing that’s “Hard” about the job is the dick she needs to suck and ride on. Stop feeling sorry for sex workers and demanding people respect them for what they do. Sex work is not a job it’s a difficulty setting for people who are just plain lazy and don’t want to actually do a… Read more »

Pengocok hamdal
2 years ago

Set dah ane kira udah ga maen udh sukses jadi yutuber , lah malah lanjut bikin pilem , menurut ane si lanjutin aja lah biar ane bisa ngocok

Pengocok hamdal
2 years ago

Tinggal ngocok bacot lu bib

2 years ago

if you suck my tiny cock and lick my butthole you’ll be earned 1 millions ¥

2 years ago

Sub this thing please

2 years ago

She love money and sex intercourse, it’s a win-win. Sub please

2 years ago

I came here to blow a load and I didn’t expect that my mind would be blown, I watch the occasional jav i don’t even understand Japanese, and the amount of hateful comments baffles me like I get that she looks different form the video (MUKD-434), but she looks hot, not in this video necessarily she looks a bit thin but she looks great in video (ATID-443) I don’t care if its plastic or fake I am not touching it, I am just looking at it, porn is a visual medium and some people are very puritan about the Japanese or Asian look and I get that when rae lil black got some work done, I hated it because she looked hotter to me before she ruined herself, but i didn’t hate her for it, and miss Eimi here still gets the job done, I don’t care about her personality or popularity ,the number one concern to you would be if you can blow a load to her if not just fined another one, porn stars don’t deserve to be given anymore thought then that, you may think its misogynistic or demeaning but its just the simple fact of life,… Read more »

Ugly Bastard
2 years ago

I think because of her sex drive, despite of being famous and earning in social medias, she is continuing in av for self pleasure.

Habib doyan memek
1 year ago

Ayo ngocok bareng2