Lu anjing bang, anjing lebih dari babi bang, kontol gue dah bersemayam sama cewek gue seorang yuliawati hahaha hmpppps lu bang ahhhhh crit dikit josss, kalo berani nama lu asli dong tampilin kontol doang gede, otaknya dititip panti lesehan hahay, gue naufal adnan, cauu bangsat
Bang lu anjing maksudnya bawa bawa cewek gua apa hah? Cewek gue cuma boleh gue aja yg bleh pegang pegang anjing lu bang ribut sini nabila yuliaw cewek sejati cuma kontol gue yg boleh nyodokin
2 years ago
Jun Aizawa is very popular and famous in Indonesia, especially in 2014-2016, at that time Jun Aizawa was very booming and made Indonesian citizens excited, because Jun is very similar to JKT48 idol group members in Indonesia, the members name is “Nabilah JKT48” (you can check on google if curious about her face)
And by the way, thanks admin for uploading my request video!
And, um, are you you? Or have you been trolled? Posting name stolen?
FWIW, there’s no Lolicon aspectl to Aizawa Jun. And the very different discussion of performers in idol groups like JKT48 or AKB48 or SKE48, of singing dancing performers like Momona Kito becoming Mikami Yua or Mona Tachibana becoming Yozora Ami also has nothing to do with Lolicon.
It just leaves an outlier – “your” inexplicable abusive post. Who ever you are.
With the embarrassing or abusive posts around here, one never knows when a “false flag” was used. . .
Correction. Meant Idol College’s Haraguchi Momoka becoming Yozora Ami (then becoming Tachibana Mona and lately Himeno Amasaki. . .) But the point is there was no Lolicon aspect. . .
Just ignore useless troll like that, obviously he just wanted to provoke!
He always does that on this site, idk what his motivation is for doing that on a JAV site like this, maybe he has a lot of problems in real life, idk but obviously just ignore it! There’s no point in being served!
Agree with you. But there’s posterity to consider. The opinions of strangers who happen on these comments five years from now. . .
(A weighty consideration, Shirley)
Had an interesting read about JKT48 and the Jakarta Japanese Idol scene. Jun Aizawa does have quite a resemblance to Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia. Glad you explained the post. 🙂
A nice surprise. I like to gaze at what an actual Japanese woman’s labia, and clitoris look like once in a while. . . (Gringo that I am, I’ve never been with a real life Japanese woman. And its been years since I was with a Korean college fraternity “little sister.”) Of course, the look is very similar to the look of my most recent Scottish lady friend “down there” if I do dare to generalize. . .
Oh, and puritan than I am, I don’t stray to the uncensored posts the jav sites have. I like some drama or game planning or something, something to make it more like a good movie or game, and less like just a picture of a genital. . . So that leaves me just Always seeing mosaics. . .
I’ve actually watched the movie now, and even found there was a subtitled no mosaic version “out there” that I could read along with. This was a Very watchable movie. Nice choice for the User Submits. 🙂
Udah jgn berantem. Ntar gw sepong satu persatu deh
2 years ago
Anyone know where is jun aizawa now?
2 years ago
It’s too bad that she, Erika Momodani, Mizuho Uehara and Monika Hasegawa have retired already. They should have had longer career…
Thank you for uploading this old gem, Baka admin!
Mantap anjay.. “Neng Nabilah JKT48” wkwk
Idola JAV favorit gw sepanjang masa!
Neng Jun Aizawa.. jaya.. jaya.. jaya.. wkwk
darpada berisik lu BABI SEPONG Lubang BOOl ku ni
Lu anjing bang, anjing lebih dari babi bang, kontol gue dah bersemayam sama cewek gue seorang yuliawati hahaha hmpppps lu bang ahhhhh crit dikit josss, kalo berani nama lu asli dong tampilin kontol doang gede, otaknya dititip panti lesehan hahay, gue naufal adnan, cauu bangsat
Babi lgbt
Wow. This goes back. 2015. . .
Mirip Nabila JKT crottt
Bang lu anjing maksudnya bawa bawa cewek gua apa hah? Cewek gue cuma boleh gue aja yg bleh pegang pegang anjing lu bang ribut sini nabila yuliaw cewek sejati cuma kontol gue yg boleh nyodokin
Jun Aizawa is very popular and famous in Indonesia, especially in 2014-2016, at that time Jun Aizawa was very booming and made Indonesian citizens excited, because Jun is very similar to JKT48 idol group members in Indonesia, the members name is “Nabilah JKT48” (you can check on google if curious about her face)
And by the way, thanks admin for uploading my request video!
umur berapa lu bang? XD
Wkwkwk kepo lu..!
Tapi yg jelas tahun kelahiran gw selisih satu tahun sama tahun kelahiran nya Nabilah, jadi secara teori gw masih bagian dari anak2 “Gen Z” wkwk
Dari bocoran data tersebut, harusnya sih lu bisa memperkirakan umur gw berapa? wkwk
Cool. Glad to see you used the User Submits. Its a good one. Encore, encore.
Ummmm. Have you lost it?
And, um, are you you? Or have you been trolled? Posting name stolen?
FWIW, there’s no Lolicon aspectl to Aizawa Jun. And the very different discussion of performers in idol groups like JKT48 or AKB48 or SKE48, of singing dancing performers like Momona Kito becoming Mikami Yua or Mona Tachibana becoming Yozora Ami also has nothing to do with Lolicon.
It just leaves an outlier – “your” inexplicable abusive post. Who ever you are.
With the embarrassing or abusive posts around here, one never knows when a “false flag” was used. . .
Correction. Meant Idol College’s Haraguchi Momoka becoming Yozora Ami (then becoming Tachibana Mona and lately Himeno Amasaki. . .) But the point is there was no Lolicon aspect. . .
Just ignore useless troll like that, obviously he just wanted to provoke!
He always does that on this site, idk what his motivation is for doing that on a JAV site like this, maybe he has a lot of problems in real life, idk but obviously just ignore it! There’s no point in being served!
Agree with you. But there’s posterity to consider. The opinions of strangers who happen on these comments five years from now. . .
(A weighty consideration, Shirley)
Had an interesting read about JKT48 and the Jakarta Japanese Idol scene. Jun Aizawa does have quite a resemblance to Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia. Glad you explained the post. 🙂
Yes! Glad to know that you also read a few articles about JKT48 and Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia!
Question. Did you pick the uncensored/de-censored/risky mosaic version that got posted?
No, it was a surprise from admin who uploaded the “mosaic removed” version of this video! 😀
A nice surprise. I like to gaze at what an actual Japanese woman’s labia, and clitoris look like once in a while. . . (Gringo that I am, I’ve never been with a real life Japanese woman. And its been years since I was with a Korean college fraternity “little sister.”) Of course, the look is very similar to the look of my most recent Scottish lady friend “down there” if I do dare to generalize. . .
There’s unity and diversity in life. . .
Oh, and puritan than I am, I don’t stray to the uncensored posts the jav sites have. I like some drama or game planning or something, something to make it more like a good movie or game, and less like just a picture of a genital. . . So that leaves me just Always seeing mosaics. . .
I’ve actually watched the movie now, and even found there was a subtitled no mosaic version “out there” that I could read along with. This was a Very watchable movie. Nice choice for the User Submits. 🙂
What?!!! Pembual??!! Lu yg Pembual bangsat!!!
She is the storm. Making a huge thunder and then disapeared
I’d loved her look. Watched SNIS-289] Woman De M Metamorphosis School Girls Ed Aizawa Jun Pervert Desire many times. . . 🙂
Ana kirain udah pensiun dan hijrah, e ternyata balik lagi, selamat berkentot ria ukhti
Astaghfirullahaladzim, istighfar akhi
Udah jgn berantem. Ntar gw sepong satu persatu deh
Anyone know where is jun aizawa now?
It’s too bad that she, Erika Momodani, Mizuho Uehara and Monika Hasegawa have retired already. They should have had longer career…
Thank you for uploading this old gem, Baka admin!
Is it just me or some of them used to be S1 exclusive actress?
I don’t know if Jun &/Monika exclusive or not, but most of their works were indeed under S1;
while most of Mizuho and Erika were under Prestige.
So refreshing reading rational, informative comments. The troll posts here recently – aren’t. Glad to see the flair of posts of years past.
I’m just glad you’re using the rape tag again