[OMHD-022] Bacchi-Boko Bako – A withdraw girl… (12:29-17:13) – Sick truant student is put to hell and even more Mental breakdown boko boko education – Kana Yura

[OMHD-022] Bacchi-Boko Bako – A withdraw girl… (12:29-17:13) – Sick truant student is put to hell and even more Mental breakdown boko boko education – Kana Yura

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115,337 views Posted: September 19, 2022

A shy otaku girl receives shock treatment from an asshole.

Not so comfy.

[OMHD-022] Bacchi-Boko Bako - A withdraw girl... (12:29-17:13) - Sick truant student is put to hell and even more Mental breakdown boko boko education - Kana Yura
[OMHD-022] Bacchi-Boko Bako - A withdraw girl... (12:29-17:13) - Sick truant student is put to hell and even more Mental breakdown boko boko education - Kana Yura
[OMHD-022] Bacchi-Boko Bako - A withdraw girl... (12:29-17:13) - Sick truant student is put to hell and even more Mental breakdown boko boko education - Kana Yura
[OMHD-022] Bacchi-Boko Bako - A withdraw girl... (12:29-17:13) - Sick truant student is put to hell and even more Mental breakdown boko boko education - Kana Yura
[OMHD-022] Bacchi-Boko Bako - A withdraw girl... (12:29-17:13) - Sick truant student is put to hell and even more Mental breakdown boko boko education - Kana Yura

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2 years ago

We have a commenter named Otakugirl. I wouldn’t want her to receive shock treatment from an asshole.

This kind of AV is just disgusting really. Nothing redeemable about it at all. If this got too prevalent, all AVs world wide would be illegal. Just don’t see why any studio films these, don’t see why anyone would watch it. Glad I don’t speak the language, so I’ll never be tempted to listen to what they say.

But what was with that end, where she seems happy and unaffected? Is she supposed to be so handicapped somehow she doesn’t remember abuse an hour later?

I don’t need an answer. Just being rhetorical in my disgust at this vid. . .

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

This studio is very bizarre, very problematic. They should get away from him

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

I think it’s crazy on purpose exactly to not being too realistic and shocking – you’re not supposed to empathize with the actress.

If you or anyone else feels sorry for the girls, just remember a single and simple thing: They all signed for this, they did accept these things to be done to them, nobody forced them to do anything, if anyone is to blame is but they themselves.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

It’s a film. Not shot in chronological order, is it? Regardless, she gets paid at the end. I’d be smiling as well if I was her.

A Crazy
2 years ago

I knew that she was destined to be raped non-stop. I hope she continues to do roles where she is tirelessly raped because that is her destiny. May they continue to rape her and never stop raping her as only she deserves it.

2 years ago
Reply to  A Crazy

Glad you didn’t like the urine bottles. Perhaps you’re not All Crazy

It's japan!
2 years ago

Well japan’s a relatively messed up sexual place y’know mike lol

2 years ago
Reply to  It's japan!

Its not the whole country. And there’s so much sexual creativity. But this vid. . . ?

I’m all for, say, films that encourage girls to both learn to play piano, and to have a lot of fun having sex. Say, vids like [STARS-170] These Piano-Playing Sisters Were Targeted By My Neighbor, A Sexually
Or vids where a couple have fun getting promiscuous. Like [NSPS-487] Cuckolding Mansion -The Wife Who Was Turned Into A Sex Doll- Iroha

Or even wild sexy games, like the find your boyfriend’s penis or the King game. [IENF-225] Surrounded by Girls, I’m the Only Man! The king of the game!
(OR God forbid, For Women porn, thought I wouldn’t watch it)

But vids that make it seem like crying locked up girls should drink huge containers of urine. . . . Nope

There’s just some stuff that’s just Wrong.

I wish they all could be Nagae Style vids.

Come to think of it, Admin, when will NSFS-119 Posted True Story My Wife Was Passed Around 19 be posted. Its a week late, and instead, we got this urine abomination

The Helper
2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

This genre is Nana Maeno’s territory, I see we have a new contender. Although the more brutal ones are from Mochizuki Ayaka like OMHD-007.

2 years ago

That is truly horrible. Japan is a sick society.

The Watcher
2 years ago
Reply to  Frog

Yet here you are

2 years ago
Reply to  The Watcher

I was here hoping NSFS-119 Posted True Story My Wife Was Passed Around 19 would be posted. Its a week late, and instead, we got this urine abomination

2 years ago

I love this shit.

2 years ago


2 years ago

this is retarded, not hot at all

1 year ago

Dear Japan, Could you please stop hashing out your insanity publicly? You are freaking us out. Signed: All of the other countries.

7 months ago

So hot