I think Kokoro chan is in a very small group of AV stars who look better in the video than on the (photoshopped) covers of her films. On the basis of this cover I wouldn’t normally bother with this but I’ve seen her elsewhere and know how fucking hot she is so will give it a watch for sure.
Came to the av man’s house wanting to squeeze a man’s cum
Wah mantav anjay :”v
Ana kira bini muda ana yang satu ini upload sebulan sekali :”v
Eh ternyata, sudah 5 kali upload bulan ini :”v
Muda dan berbahaya ya gays?! :”v
Stress lu
I think Kokoro chan is in a very small group of AV stars who look better in the video than on the (photoshopped) covers of her films. On the basis of this cover I wouldn’t normally bother with this but I’ve seen her elsewhere and know how fucking hot she is so will give it a watch for sure.