man, I love this kind of casual stuff. the scene with the first girl is basically weekly routine with my wife, she likes to sleep in late, and more often than not I wake her up the same way, with some of my body parts between some of her body parts. good stuff! 😀
P.S.: I had a chuckle when the guy was trolling around the room with the girl clinging on, this also happens pretty often with my wife because I’m tall and she is petite and slender, easy to hold and move around 🙂
Ahh, truly family goals. An entire generational pussy gap and obedient sex slaves / daughters. I know some folk will complain about genetic diversity, but hey a hole’s a hole and 1st generational incest babies shouldn’t look that bad.
And obviously if they give birth to a guy, put him up for adoption. Don’t want anyone challenging the alpha male after all.
2 years ago
Oh wow, I remember this one! Talk about a throw back. It’s a decent flick, but I wonder what possessed the admin to dig this one up from the archive?
man, I love this kind of casual stuff. the scene with the first girl is basically weekly routine with my wife, she likes to sleep in late, and more often than not I wake her up the same way, with some of my body parts between some of her body parts. good stuff! 😀
P.S.: I had a chuckle when the guy was trolling around the room with the girl clinging on, this also happens pretty often with my wife because I’m tall and she is petite and slender, easy to hold and move around 🙂
Let’s do threesom with ur wife
Forget the cover, it’s a boring movie. The acting and sex is dull.
Its been done before, the exception being there’s a “mother” character but she’s doesn’t do anything. Do not waste your time.
Even to see Toru Ozawa‘s face hidden by pixels?
Ahh, truly family goals. An entire generational pussy gap and obedient sex slaves / daughters. I know some folk will complain about genetic diversity, but hey a hole’s a hole and 1st generational incest babies shouldn’t look that bad.
And obviously if they give birth to a guy, put him up for adoption. Don’t want anyone challenging the alpha male after all.
Oh wow, I remember this one! Talk about a throw back. It’s a decent flick, but I wonder what possessed the admin to dig this one up from the archive?
Admin? . . .
What’s the frist girl’s name?
Your father
Kak emma fetamburan
The blurred face of Toru make this movie sucks