This video makes me hope this girl has a long career. She’s the type of beauty that would still put out bangers in her 30s like Iroha Natsume on Attackers
2 years ago
Natsu vs bbc
2 years ago
I have to make more of this movie so I won’t get bored of having to update
Tidak semua cewek indo seperti yng anda katakan kawan, contohnya cewek gw, bodynya kenceng karena rajin olahraga, cuman ya memang putingnya agak item wkwkw mah gamau jd entodin smpe pepeknya dah ga rapet smpe bekas trs gw tinggal..crotin dlm terakhir
2 years ago
please make lots of movies that are fun, I won’t get bored watching them
English teacher
2 years ago
Cuckolding requires the husband’s knowledge. This is just a cheating video. Language matters.
1 year ago
Whenever I think Natsu Igarashi, I watch this movie. Its probably her best. Her expressions in all the scenes would keep you hard and warm inside. Someone should be kind enough to decensor it and give us some subtitles for this release.
1 year ago
23 people dislike this?! That is just crazy!
10 months ago
Yg temanya byar utang pliss donk….. Pernah liat cuplikannya yg suaminya dipenjara istrinya digenjot yg nuntut. Tapi lupa kode dan aktrisnya
alur ceritanya kayak gini tapi yang actress nya yuko ono (AOI)
ada kok cari aja di yuko ono, aing udah tamat full episode
Anjir udah tamat…
Ampun suhu
This video makes me hope this girl has a long career. She’s the type of beauty that would still put out bangers in her 30s like Iroha Natsume on Attackers
Natsu vs bbc
I have to make more of this movie so I won’t get bored of having to update
Please update more as you can
But way she chose adult cause we all know that she is soo gorgeous she can married with any reach man
Please update more
mantap indo banget wajahnya ya
Wajah boleh sama, tapi tidak dg bodynya masih kalah jauh ama jepang .. klo org indo mah bodynya gendut/berlemak… Trus puting hitam
Tidak semua cewek indo seperti yng anda katakan kawan, contohnya cewek gw, bodynya kenceng karena rajin olahraga, cuman ya memang putingnya agak item wkwkw
Sering2 diemut bang biar pink
ya kalo saya beruntung dapet chindo yg puting nya pink bang , semangat
Enak ga memek nya. Gw cobain dong
Tapi ga semuanya broo, temen gua bodynya mirip2 sama Airi Suzumura, tapi putingnya ga item wkwkwk, warna coklat ke merahan dikit wkwkwk
Siapa bilang . Ini kan dia aktris jav ya layaknya aktrislah ya pasti beda . Coba lo bandingin dengan aktris indo banyak yg lebih joss
Itu emangorang indo ,orang Bandung jadi artis JAV di Sono , nama aslinya Dian Kartika
Nama aslinya rukatun
muka nya mirip jesica
Dian Kartika Itu cok
dian kartika ndassmuu..cak cok cakcok..kokean bokep dadine gobloggg
Can’t wait cuckold from her, she’s beauty
she can will be fit in the part time series
I’m not gay but what’s the name of the actor?
his name is Ryu Mukkai, but Toru ozawa, Yuta Aoi and Yuzuru still the best actor of the porn movie.
English subtitles please
Wahhh idola baru ini, wajah indo banget
Orang bandung wkwkwk
Asli gk si?
asli mantab banget nih cewe… mirip cewe yang gua suka di sekolah :v
auto coli tiap hari :v
dicariin Andre noh, malah maen di sini
Mirip mantan aing namanya maria bella widjadja.
Creampie pleasee
Sarap naman neto oh
natsu vs bbc
ini orang indo namanya Dian kartika bego bet jadi artis jav emangnya dia gk tau resikonya rahimnya kena serviks
She is definitely cute AF
Coba aja sebelum jadi artis JAV. Kl jadi istri gw, bakalan tiap hari gw entot. Mau gaya apa pun gass, bisa request dan bisa nyoba hal baru. mah gamau jd entodin smpe pepeknya dah ga rapet smpe bekas trs gw tinggal..crotin dlm terakhir
please make lots of movies that are fun, I won’t get bored watching them
Cuckolding requires the husband’s knowledge. This is just a cheating video. Language matters.
Whenever I think Natsu Igarashi, I watch this movie. Its probably her best. Her expressions in all the scenes would keep you hard and warm inside. Someone should be kind enough to decensor it and give us some subtitles for this release.
23 people dislike this?! That is just crazy!
Yg temanya byar utang pliss donk….. Pernah liat cuplikannya yg suaminya dipenjara istrinya digenjot yg nuntut. Tapi lupa kode dan aktrisnya
Ini orang indonesia ya.. Dian kartika?
hoax bilang dari indo