I waited so long for this to be posted. Then it was posted a few days ago. Now its posted a second time. Will that divide its views in half. . .? Next time its posted, hope its subbed in English 🙂
How did you figure out that the new source was higher quality? I don’t see 4k for example in the heading. . .
2 years ago
Admin, I really think this No. 12 (and its other post) and the earlier 11 DOCP Memorial Nudes are part of the same series as the Red Face Girl/Sekimenjoshi release SKMJ-288 for which the site has a series hyperlink for that No 13 – Memorial Nude Photos of Couples in Love. Aren’t they all in the same series, and appropriate to add to the series hyperlink? I know that SKMJ-019 and SKMJ-204 create a little confusion as they are also Red Face Girl/Sekimenjosh SKMJ Memorial Nude releases, but with different, unnumbered covers. But would love to see the installments, which are personal favorites, in an organized series all linked together. What harm could there be in linking them up. They all have the same title on their cover, and are numbered . . [DOCP-327] A Magazine Project Entitled “Memorial Nude Photo” And His Wife Were and [DOCP-307] A Magazine Project Entitled “Memorial Nude Photo That A Loving Couple” And A Wife gets Deceived, [DOCP-268] A Magazine Project Entitled “Memorial Nude Photo” And A Wife Are and DOCP-158] Housewife Tricked By Magazine Plan For “Loving Couples Nude Memory Photo Shoot”, Made To Straddle Big Dick Stranger For Photos!! Younger And Harder… Read more »
This video, and the two before it just weren’t the same thing anyway. Lots of comments noticed.
But I never understood the meaning of the words around the 12 until today.
2 years ago
The series is very good. But the husband’s acting is not believable at all. The couple acts like two complete strangers. They don’t touch each other at all. No hug and no kiss. What kind of couple is this? He looks like a customer who didn’t pay the lady, so she doesn’t agree with him touching her. The creators of the series must correct this matter and present the couple in a slightly more believable way that behaves like a couple and not like two complete strangers who are distant from each other.
Hope they do. The series was never “rapidly” filmed. There were long waits between episodes, as compared to the Madonna nude modeling series that is coming out like machine gun fire. Hope we haven’t seen the last of the DOCP Memorial Nudes. . .
I waited so long for this to be posted. Then it was posted a few days ago. Now its posted a second time. Will that divide its views in half. . .? Next time its posted, hope its subbed in English 🙂
The new source is higher quality. Not that he couldn’t have just updated the sources, but maybe this was faster.
Thanks for explaining. I’m a luddite. Would never have figured something like that out.
How did you figure out that the new source was higher quality? I don’t see 4k for example in the heading. . .
Admin, I really think this No. 12 (and its other post) and the earlier 11 DOCP Memorial Nudes are part of the same series as the Red Face Girl/Sekimenjoshi release SKMJ-288 for which the site has a series hyperlink for that No 13 – Memorial Nude Photos of Couples in Love. Aren’t they all in the same series, and appropriate to add to the series hyperlink? I know that SKMJ-019 and SKMJ-204 create a little confusion as they are also Red Face Girl/Sekimenjosh SKMJ Memorial Nude releases, but with different, unnumbered covers. But would love to see the installments, which are personal favorites, in an organized series all linked together. What harm could there be in linking them up. They all have the same title on their cover, and are numbered . . [DOCP-327] A Magazine Project Entitled “Memorial Nude Photo” And His Wife Were and [DOCP-307] A Magazine Project Entitled “Memorial Nude Photo That A Loving Couple” And A Wife gets Deceived, [DOCP-268] A Magazine Project Entitled “Memorial Nude Photo” And A Wife Are and DOCP-158] Housewife Tricked By Magazine Plan For “Loving Couples Nude Memory Photo Shoot”, Made To Straddle Big Dick Stranger For Photos!! Younger And Harder… Read more »
Received help from a commenter. So now I’ve learned that ”12 発 !!” running vertically on the cover translates to “12 cumshots”? 中出しmeans creampie.
中出し12 連発!(Naka dashi 12 renpatsu!) roughly means 12 Consecutive Creampies! (If Google translate didn’t mislead me)
Thanks to “13” for the translation help in comments to [DOCP-044] The magazine project titled “Memorial Nude Photos Loving Couples Want to Leave Behind” and the wife is tricked into a cuckold 2
So this had only “looked” like volume 12 in a series, but apparently wasn’t. And that explains why the sites that have series hyperlinks only show Nine (9) installments of the series Unequaled Ji ○ Po Man And Bare Skin Adhesion Fake Photo Session Cuckold Verification, and omit this.
This video, and the two before it just weren’t the same thing anyway. Lots of comments noticed.
But I never understood the meaning of the words around the 12 until today.
The series is very good. But the husband’s acting is not believable at all. The couple acts like two complete strangers. They don’t touch each other at all. No hug and no kiss. What kind of couple is this? He looks like a customer who didn’t pay the lady, so she doesn’t agree with him touching her. The creators of the series must correct this matter and present the couple in a slightly more believable way that behaves like a couple and not like two complete strangers who are distant from each other.
Hope they do. The series was never “rapidly” filmed. There were long waits between episodes, as compared to the Madonna nude modeling series that is coming out like machine gun fire. Hope we haven’t seen the last of the DOCP Memorial Nudes. . .
Admin, this should get a series tag for Unequaled Ji ○ Po Man And Bare Skin Adhesion Fake Photo Session Cuckold Verification
It’s different. It’s properly tagged already.
Does anyone know the name of the actor from the first part?
Fuck I hate these type of series waht a really cuck man no action at all. No man will do this but we already know he is her real husband
Not sure. Possibly Haruku?