[VEMA-185] (4K) Intertwining with a Beautiful Boss Who Became a Sexual Livestock After Being Caught Coming to Work Without Pants… Mio Kimishima

[VEMA-185] (4K) Intertwining with a Beautiful Boss Who Became a Sexual Livestock After Being Caught Coming to Work Without Pants… Mio Kimishima

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103,895 views Posted: July 20, 2022
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2 years ago

Good lord, I absolutely loved the times my girlfriends and dates went without panties. I even had a girlfriend who insisted on never wearing them. What memories this vid brings back.

Eddie M
2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Did ir gf have a p-p

2 years ago

Not even pixels can cover that shattered cunt. She will never enter the kingdom of heaven and she will live forever in hell with a black penis in her mouth, ass, ears, nostrils and in her pussy for all eternity.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nyangleh

And not even the world’s best psychiatrist can help you recover your social life, lmao. 7 months nonstop of trolling around with my name, and in a pornsite on top of that. Lol

2 years ago

Mio Kimishima is one of JAV worse actress and sex puppet. I know her fans will defend her, but its the truth damnit hahahaha lol But even seeing her weird face and bad acting is not enough to convince, so I submit another video for Mio Kimishima’s best of… the worse acting and sex in jav. DVDMS-269. Literally in most of her scenes she looks and act stone… and stare at the other actors without saying anything. She just stares wtf lol For a long time. So many moments of silence, so many moments hahaha The main guy look like he was struggling to improv. And noticably she’s on her phone a lot. Honestly, I think the director didn’t trust her acting, so they didn’t write many lines for her hahaha And the sex scenes? Oh no lol She has almost no reaction at all. And suddenly remembers she has to act and decide to moan… it’s so uninteresting and just unclear what drugs she’s is on lmao I will say something positive. There’s one good scene and its a masturbation scene. The camera focus on her body and it fakeness and the quietness of the scene made it very… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by mindblown
2 years ago
Reply to  mindblown

I remember lots of her movies like that, bro. Just her looking spaced out.
She has a hot body so I don’t mind too much. Her face is strange I give you that.

You see the sex education one with subs? This site made it years ago and it’s good. Check it out.

Anyways, thanks for the info. I will check that movie you talked about.

2 years ago
Reply to  mindblown

Will have to agree. It’s such a shame too, she had the physical assets to be another Julia, but poor directors and terrible studio bosses just can not seem to make it happen for her. And of course the fact she seems to have the personality of a brick doesn’t help her career. Just let her do “drugged out chick” roles and stick to black actors I think. Make it her niche.

2 years ago
Reply to  Javjunkie

The “mind control or drugged out chick” would work in her favor. It would require no acting lol

Mio never had a personality, so its like looking into an *empty skull…

The *forums on this site is like that lmao
Emptiness and no brain activity, just inbreed, racist, incel thoughts hahaha

I know a few who can and will hold a conversation, the rest are retards waiting to win the Darwin award lol

2 years ago
Reply to  mindblown

I’m a day late to the career burial of Mio Kimishima. See this is why the site needs a PM option man it would be real helpful in situations like this… So I would be lying if I said I’ve watched a lot of her work because I really haven’t. But what I have seen is mostly centered on the fact that I find her attractive. She’s the kind of woman I would be interested in aesthetically and that’s sadly all the praise I can give her. She has the “Look” of a woman that you would like to see having sex on camera. And that is the only thing she has going for her in a singular sentence. Because the second that camera is on she might as well be a cardboard cutout. Her acting range is about as broad as a reanimated corpse because it lacks any semblance of life and emotion. And just to clear something up I don’t believe she’s had any work done on her breasts or butt. I’ve actually seen her naked without mosaic censorship and it isn’t bad. But that’s not to say she hasn’t had work done because the plastic surgery is… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by TheOppaiAddict
2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

Well said

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

This site as good as it is, requires a lot. Legitimate sign ups, pay members options , and your suggestion to get this site really moving.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOppaiAddict

Mio career has always depended on her looks. That’s why I was easy on her in my review.

I don’t watch a lot of her movies because they’re boring and have me laughing more than fapping.

I think she’s either on drugs, a mindless, beautiful idiot, or both hahaha

Most of her sex scenes… If you notice is her just sitting back and opening her legs and just waiting for it to all be over lol

It’s actually funny when you see once or twice in her movies.

Anyways, bro I hope things are well with you. And stay healthy.

2 years ago
Reply to  mindblown

Mio Kimijima really never had a chance to be a good actress. It requires facial features that are expressive, and some people just aren’t constructed that way. She wasn’t. She was just “made” to look like an unattainable beauty, a sex creation, almost artificial. Almost unapproachable. So she never had a chance to be good in the roles of an innocent, shy lady, clever, responsive lady or any other character type that can be portrayed with acting. I’m not a fan of hers, but I don’t think she made a mistake entering AV, for instance, as a woman who should have known she’d be ranked worst of the AV idols, or worst of the big headline idols. Occasionally, she’s good in something, for instance where just freezing and being beautiful does the job. Bus Molester stuff, like VEC-366, or mannequin VAGU-197. And our site did sub a movie she did that I really enjoyed DASD-683] (English subbed) I Have Strong Cuckold Desires, And I Started Having Daydream Fantasies About Watching My Wife Get Fucked By Other Men. Wish I didn’t agree with you overall that so much of what she releases is kind of unwatchable. But then, even some of… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Regretted posting some of that. I looked back at some of her subtitled AVs on this site during our day without new posts, and found I had enjoyed far more of them than I had remembered. Maybe I had at first only searched Kimishima and not Kimijima. . . Don’t know what my excuse should be. But even if her better films don’t call for the acting range I’d come to thrill to with Nanami Kawakami or Maikawa Sena or my other favorites, she wasn’t always as robotic as I remembered. Some of it was as good as the AV required, and very watchable. My suspicion. Botox took away some of her expressive ability, but left her brow wrinkle free in the odd but beautiful way we’re used to. Wish I could see more of how she looked between that 2007 debut, and 2017 when she “debuted” again as Mio Kimijima, to see if and when her expressiveness began to appear a tad unnaturally robotic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Bro everything you said is true. From the “unattainable beauty to artificial features”. She… as you said just don’t have that AV star full package but she has enough to give her a pass to her fans and that’s okay.
Her face won’t allow her to play shy and passive. I watch her face and maybe it’s the surgery but she literally can’t do it.
But as a mannequin as you said, I believe she works best here. A f*** doll. I will take a look at some of those movies you suggested. Worth a look I suppose. But that last one sounds cuck/NTR stuff and I’m done with that stuff for awhile. Too depressing.
Anyways thanks for the recommends.

2 years ago
Reply to  mindblown

Do you think her face (you said weird face) is more due to genes, haircut, botox, surgery, other? She looked So unusual all the time I was aware of her career. I was trying to decide just now when I looked back at her age 19, (pre-career?) in [YOK-008] ★ Feminista Yokohama 08

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Yes. It has to be the Botox, surgery, or drug imo
I have no evidence but something wrong with her facial muscle. Could be a nerve damage from a accident or abuse.
Or it could be she insecure or shy about her acting or speaking?

I don’t know about her pre career because i never followed her.

2 years ago
Reply to  mindblown

Hey Mindblown. I actually watched DVDMS-269 on another site, as it hasn’t been posted here. It wasn’t the kind of vid that catches my interest, but I really didn’t find it to be award winning bad, or her to be. Not that I’m a fan of hers. But were you in a shock jock mood when you posted that?

2 years ago

Lol look at her, it’s obvious she can’t feel anything anymore unless it’s a black cock. Her acting is getting worse, that’s the price for going black I guess!

2 years ago

on this site there are many women hating incel /
masturbation on free porn is the only thing they excel /
virginity makes these sad men long write comments /
perhaps what admin should to them is to cancel /

Last edited 2 years ago by aho
Bero T
2 years ago
Reply to  aho

@ aho
I think what you’ve said is accurate. Some of the remarks on here are funny, some of them are genuine, and a lot of comments on this site are just plain mean or grotesque. A lot of attitudes of arrogance, I’ve been guilty of it myself here at times, and it can never be healthy or justifiable.

Fuck Nyangleh
2 years ago
Reply to  Bero T

Nyangleh is a dog

2 years ago
Reply to  Fuck Nyangleh

That copycat little boy? Well, couldn’t agree more. Haha

2 years ago

Kimishima? Kimijima? Wondered why there was no actress tag. And wondered if she’s tagged by any other names. I looked back at her age 19, in 2007’s [YOK-008] ★ Feminista Yokohama 08 If I understand, she’s also gone by Hitomi Yura and Kyoumoto Kaede. One can get a very limited glimpse of here career of one only searches Mio Kimishima