[STARS-541] Spring Graduation Special! Special NEWS Announcer Hikari Aozora Reads Out The Manuscript Calmly Even If She Has Convulsions, Squirting And Incontinence During Work
Cara bikin cewek squirt gimana sihh?? Kok susah banget..!!
2 tahun lalu, waktu gue masih pacaran, gue pernah nyoba sama pacar gue di villa, gue udah coba ngobok2 lubang memek nya pacar gue, pertama pake jari.. Gak keluar squirt, yang ada malah becek.. Shit..
Kedua, gue obok2 lobang memek nya pake terong ungu.. Tetep gak squirt, yang ada malah tambah banyak keluar cairan lendir.. Shit..
Ketiga gue akhirnya pake kontol buat ngobok2 memek pacar gue.. Eeeh tetep gak squirt, bukan’nya pacar gue yang squirt, malah gue yang ngecrott.. Shit..
Cara bikin cewek squirt kok susah bingit yaaa…!!! Di video bokep kelihatan nya gampang, ternyata dalam prakteknya susah..!!
Itu mah tergantung cewe nya bro. Klo cewe nya sering kencing ya gampang squirt dipegang dikit aja squirt. Ya klau cwe lo gk squirt ya berarti cewe lo emang susah kencing
Tergantung ceweknya itu bro, bisanya yang gampang kencing
2 years ago
the only news worth watching
Kanjeng Izieq (Dakwah dari lapas)
2 years ago
Sungguh tak terbayangkan rasanya andai Otong ana yang menyodok lubang kejayaan Hikari Chan di JAV ini :”v
Terus JAV nya uncensored severti karya Hikari Chan yang sudah-sudah :”v
Ngayal ajee lu bisa nye, coba vetish lu rubah ke maklu dah
Khalid Basalamah
2 years ago
You may have noticed that consuming porn can take up a lot of your time—scrolling from page to page, switching between videos. Aside from all its negative effects, time spent watching porn is time that could be spent developing your hobbies, achieving your goals, or nurturing your relationships with others. It’s estimated that over the course of their life, the average person spends about 3 months on the toilet, 4 months in traffic, and 9 years on their phone. How much of your life will you spend watching porn? Will it be worth it?
Damnnnn she really can’t stop squi*ting the whole time, surely take a lot of effort to keep reading the script while someone or something drilling ur pu*sy nonstop, im totally in for this one
your dad's boyfriend
2 years ago
her legs are so slim it’s horny and thinspo at the same time
I want to drink her squirt
Cara bikin cewek squirt gimana sihh?? Kok susah banget..!!
2 tahun lalu, waktu gue masih pacaran, gue pernah nyoba sama pacar gue di villa, gue udah coba ngobok2 lubang memek nya pacar gue, pertama pake jari.. Gak keluar squirt, yang ada malah becek.. Shit..
Kedua, gue obok2 lobang memek nya pake terong ungu.. Tetep gak squirt, yang ada malah tambah banyak keluar cairan lendir.. Shit..
Ketiga gue akhirnya pake kontol buat ngobok2 memek pacar gue.. Eeeh tetep gak squirt, bukan’nya pacar gue yang squirt, malah gue yang ngecrott.. Shit..
Cara bikin cewek squirt kok susah bingit yaaa…!!! Di video bokep kelihatan nya gampang, ternyata dalam prakteknya susah..!!
Berarti memang Otong antum yang kurang mantav sodokannya :”v
Dasar payah, dasar lemah!1!1 :”v
Squirt itu kencing blok. Ya suruh pacarlu kencing
Tergantung cewenya. HOKINYA gw sekarang dapet cewe yg 5mnt dah squirt cok wkkwkwkw
Bagi dong
Itu mah tergantung cewe nya bro. Klo cewe nya sering kencing ya gampang squirt dipegang dikit aja squirt. Ya klau cwe lo gk squirt ya berarti cewe lo emang susah kencing
Tergantung ceweknya itu bro, bisanya yang gampang kencing
the only news worth watching
Sungguh tak terbayangkan rasanya andai Otong ana yang menyodok lubang kejayaan Hikari Chan di JAV ini :”v
Terus JAV nya uncensored severti karya Hikari Chan yang sudah-sudah :”v
Ngayal ajee lu bisa nye, coba vetish lu rubah ke maklu dah
You may have noticed that consuming porn can take up a lot of your time—scrolling from page to page, switching between videos. Aside from all its negative effects, time spent watching porn is time that could be spent developing your hobbies, achieving your goals, or nurturing your relationships with others. It’s estimated that over the course of their life, the average person spends about 3 months on the toilet, 4 months in traffic, and 9 years on their phone. How much of your life will you spend watching porn? Will it be worth it?
Is anything in life worth it?
Yep – definitely!
Bruh shut the hell up and get some bitches
nope it never worth itUnderstand it and move on,do not trip onto guilty consience,This ain’it it chef
Nyangleh always watching porn. Is waiting life
I mean nyangleh is wasting time
does she want to retire?
mantap puas2in dulu seharian di guru jav sebelum mandi wajib dan vakum sebulan
Mantav ini baru Umad ku :”v
Kopong kan dengkul mu, kosong kan kantung peler mu :”v
Nunggu miu dulu baru vakum
Damnnnn she really can’t stop squi*ting the whole time, surely take a lot of effort to keep reading the script while someone or something drilling ur pu*sy nonstop, im totally in for this one
her legs are so slim it’s horny and thinspo at the same time
Do they actually report current events?
ga usah bawa2 agama bangsat
kau aja nonton bokep, sosoan mau jadi sjw
Yg lagi puasa jangan masuk
Gila banyak banget squirtingnya
How much litters does she have??? Damyummm
Mira filzah?