[PFES-056] The Toilet Bowl Fairy. The 4th Fairy.

[PFES-056] The Toilet Bowl Fairy. The 4th Fairy.

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64,702 views Posted: March 26, 2022
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2 years ago


Khalid basalamah
2 years ago

Some people seeking treatment for pornography addiction may instead benefit from addressing other issues, such as relationship problems, sexual shame, or depression. Therefore, if a person opts for therapy, it is important to choose a therapist who understands and can manage these issues.

Some treatment strategies may involve:

Psychotherapy: This can help a person understand their relationship with porn, identify unmet sexual needs, and develop strategies for dealing with psychological distress.
Relationship counseling: Couples’ counseling can help partners talk about their values, determine whether porn has a place in their relationship, and cultivate deeper trust.
Medication: Sometimes a person uses pornography to cope with another condition. Medication may help treat the underlying issue.
Lifestyle changes: Some people use pornography out of boredom or exhaustion. A more healthful lifestyle may involve spending fewer hours on the computer.

mabahong singit
2 years ago

if plagiarized posts can be reported to authorities, your posts could have sent you to jail

I Drink My Own Piss
2 years ago

Drink all the pee u can its just beer. A pee a day keeps the doctor away

2 years ago

便器的妖精 dafuk named this title

2 years ago

Seandainya dia juga makan kotoran

Khalid basalamah
2 years ago

sou gay

Aing maung
1 year ago

Andai nih cwe gw, gausah kasih air putih… Kasih kencing aja tiap hari haha… cwe gw susah diajak yg kek gini