Yes yes yes it is happening it is happening I told you so the Indonesians are coming I love them like deranged titans the revolution is already here they cannot be stopped and will conquer all the little girls in the world with their affection and dirty cocks they are kings of grotesque beauty gross mofos disgusting fuckers with fat bellies and the stench so bad the drool so corrosive could dissolve metal with dick cheese so thick you can actually chew it and all the body hair they are wild animals nothing can stop they are depraved artists that make art with their syrupy semen on the face of all women I will forever treasure the memories of their nasty cum on the face of these cute little Japanese girls who are barely legal and put their delicate tongues inside the ugly assholes so hairy and did I mention the armpit smell so strong so pungent. I love Indonesians.
Knalpot gw udh pernah, pohon pisang udah pernah apalagi ya yg harus di bolongin?
3 years ago
Bang, lu mending kalo komen di lapak gini pakai nama yg tidak mengandung agama tertentu bang. Lu boleh pake bahasa indo, tapi jangan pakai nama yg mencerminkan sosok dari sebuah agama, terlepas apa yg dilakukan sosok tersebut, setidaknya nama itu tidak hanya dipakai oleh satu orang.w
Yes yes yes it is happening it is happening I told you so the Indonesians are coming I love them like deranged titans the revolution is already here they cannot be stopped and will conquer all the little girls in the world with their affection and dirty cocks they are kings of grotesque beauty gross mofos disgusting fuckers with fat bellies and the stench so bad the drool so corrosive could dissolve metal with dick cheese so thick you can actually chew it and all the body hair they are wild animals nothing can stop they are depraved artists that make art with their syrupy semen on the face of all women I will forever treasure the memories of their nasty cum on the face of these cute little Japanese girls who are barely legal and put their delicate tongues inside the ugly assholes so hairy and did I mention the armpit smell so strong so pungent. I love Indonesians.
I love you too RAOUL
This girl is insane….yeah, that’s right
Gilak ni mina keluar terus
Gosh… Kitano Mina is just taking over the #1 spot for me right now! its insane!!!
Liat dimana lu kipak?
Bukannya nomor 2 Ichika Matsumoto
liat twitter yassuwan
Ada apa si kawan coli aja
Knalpot gw udh pernah, pohon pisang udah pernah apalagi ya yg harus di bolongin?
Bang, lu mending kalo komen di lapak gini pakai nama yg tidak mengandung agama tertentu bang. Lu boleh pake bahasa indo, tapi jangan pakai nama yg mencerminkan sosok dari sebuah agama, terlepas apa yg dilakukan sosok tersebut, setidaknya nama itu tidak hanya dipakai oleh satu orang.w
wusss ceramah di web beginian sarap lu
Betul tu bang, udah susah kalo sange dah
Susah bocil haus perhatian
Eciye, g kebalik tuh? G bs ngaca wkwkwk
Panitia surga 72 perawan lagi ceramah nih
Lah lo bacod?
Ngotak kontol dah gede malu ama kontol
Ga usah munafik ente sok agamis bahas agama ,masih suka nonton bokep juga,
Bunda sange sekali
Shes okay but LDR bolted tiddies. This girl will probably exceed Eimi Fukada’s left legacy. Why not make it an everyday JAV release?
Enak bro
Bib istri kau de ewe org kau diam aja bib cma ditntonin doang lemah kau bib
Bangsat ente, ane lucknut kau!!!
Hai gaes kira kira kalian kalo pengen ngewe sama artis JAV siapa pilihannya ya?
a Mina kitano
b yua mikami
c aoi Tsukasa
d pilih yg lain
Remu suzumori. Cantik bening, bokong dapet, nenennya pas. Sempurna pokoknya
Marin Hinata
Hai gaes kira2 kalian kalo disuruh ngewe sama artis JAV mau sama siapa ya?
a Mina kitano
b yua mikami
c aoi Tsukasa
d pilih yg lain
Wkwkwk norak
JeLaS Mina Kitano, AH JANGAN SAYANG AH AH Enaakkkk
Hai gaes kira2 kalian kalo ngewe sama artis JAV mau sama siapa ya ?
a Mina kitano
b yua mikami
c aoi Tsukasa
d pilihan lain
Pdhal semuanya bkn selera gw kwwkwkwkw koplak bocil tukang tiru
Bacot ntar gw laporin ah pencemaran nama baik 🙂
Mina Chan emang joss
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