I wonder if these old guys pay for the privilege of being the male roles of JAV films, producing another revenue stream. Or perhaps they are the film’s financial backers.
Yeah, these guys are gross… but that’s precisely the point (it adds to the sluttiness and/or humiliation factor).
If that’s not your thing, cool, just don’t whine about it. That’s like watching gay porn (when you’re straight) and then complaining how gay it is. No shit…
I like gross mofos disgusting fuckers with fat bellies and the stench so bad the drool so corrosive could dissolve metal and all the body hair they are wild animals nothing can stop I will forever treasure the memories of their nasty cum on the face of these cute little Japanese girls who are barely legal and put their delicate tongues inside the ugly assholes and did I mention the armpit smell so strong so pungent. I love Indonesians.
Damn these mofos are gross huh
Ya, but they’re fuckin a hot jav queen an you’re not . All you can do is use your hand an dream, they’re livin the dream
damn you took it personally huh
That’s the point.
Gross as fuck
Not as gross as you using your hand!
Chill the fuck out lmao
I wonder if these old guys pay for the privilege of being the male roles of JAV films, producing another revenue stream. Or perhaps they are the film’s financial backers.
You too can be the sponsor lul.
no, they get ugly people so the viewer can fantasize that it can be them too
Admin or anyone know what the f*ck tools that they used in the first scene?? Tell me, i want to know
Imagine censoring “fuck” in a porn site lol
Yeah, these guys are gross… but that’s precisely the point (it adds to the sluttiness and/or humiliation factor).
If that’s not your thing, cool, just don’t whine about it. That’s like watching gay porn (when you’re straight) and then complaining how gay it is. No shit…
IKR. That’s the point of this genre. These whiners are annoying.
Why should we limit ourselves to commenting only on the genres we enjoy?
Retards sure are narcissistic these days…
name of guy in first scene?
Gotta respect girls who would lick these disgusting men in their hairy assholes.
How does these old fuckers get to bang hot girls man ffs. And they get paid for this too mf
No shit sherlock, they’re intentionally dressed like that. Not an actual hobo.
I know bruh but these old fuckers are bald and in their 60+
Sure, keep deluding yourself lol
LOL. Of course you can’t denied. because this is how ur people do it.
Lol okay just keep deluding.
I like gross mofos disgusting fuckers with fat bellies and the stench so bad the drool so corrosive could dissolve metal and all the body hair they are wild animals nothing can stop I will forever treasure the memories of their nasty cum on the face of these cute little Japanese girls who are barely legal and put their delicate tongues inside the ugly assholes and did I mention the armpit smell so strong so pungent. I love Indonesians.
Lol sure
Movies damn, Stupid javplayer
Movies not real, stupid