Asa needs juicier roles where she’s doing more than just having sex. Her videos are just so boring. It’s such a waste of physical gifts. I just can’t get into her…
yeah, pretty much agree. she’s got potential, but when she’s just in these vanilla sex videos, there isn’t much to go on. i’d like to see her in a more dramatic role soon.
Guess what? There is such a thing as boring porn. “With those tits…” she could be so much better! There are plenty of JAV actresses with PORN BODIES who know how to act and perform and use their sensuality to give you something besides,”Here I am, guys. Fap.”
She continues to be the biggest disappointment in JAV.
3 years ago
jancok kena tipu cover, gw kira Riri Jessica Mila
bukan pecinta ngondoy milk, skip dulu XD
Ingin rasanya burungku hinggap di susu nya dan lubang kejayaan nya :”v
Tahan bip
Lu sehari brp kali colinya?
Bacrooott lu bib sangean
Sabar bib.. nunggu buka dulu
jancok uciha madura,
bangsat XD
Sabar emak lu dlu aje klo mau lu pke
She is perfect
Asa needs juicier roles where she’s doing more than just having sex. Her videos are just so boring. It’s such a waste of physical gifts. I just can’t get into her…
yeah, pretty much agree. she’s got potential, but when she’s just in these vanilla sex videos, there isn’t much to go on. i’d like to see her in a more dramatic role soon.
with those tits she doesn’t need anything. Aside from some weird people on the internet no one would look at a fuckng porn video and say “boring”.
you all die
Guess what? There is such a thing as boring porn. “With those tits…” she could be so much better! There are plenty of JAV actresses with PORN BODIES who know how to act and perform and use their sensuality to give you something besides,”Here I am, guys. Fap.”
She continues to be the biggest disappointment in JAV.
jancok kena tipu cover, gw kira Riri Jessica Mila
bukan pecinta ngondoy milk, skip dulu XD
Tidak normal kalau anda ga suka buah melon
Sama2 “melon”, semua punya preferensi ukuran masing2. Lu siapa seenak jidat ngenilai orang g normal? Tiap ukuran dan bentuk ada daya tarik masing2.
Justru lu yg g normal klo apa2 diliat dr ukuran “melon” nya duluan. Heleh2
Sama cok gue kira riri anjir
Taku the Toad
I want to drink Aka Asuka’s saliva. Looks delicious