based on her waza, she knows some naginata from highschool but otherwise not ranked
3 years ago
Are we to believe these movies actually stars tennis pro, former golfer, ranked martial artists, former swimming champions, investigators, long distance medalists, and now 3rd rank in naginata martial arts??? lol
Do the main audience actually believes this? They can’t believe these titles are 100% true for chrissake.
What would this say about the so-called “honorable nature” of the Japanese lmao
I swear, some of you get nit-picky about the weirdest of things sometimes
Who cares
3 years ago
Wow fantastic
3 years ago
3 years ago
The first half was great. She was so shy and embarrassed and it was super cute, then she was absolutely loving having sex with that dude.
But the second half…Jesus Christ, that poor girl’s got to be traumatized. I hate how they always do this to the newbies. How the fuck do they expect to ever get someone to come back for a second shoot?
based on her waza, she knows some naginata from highschool but otherwise not ranked
Are we to believe these movies actually stars tennis pro, former golfer, ranked martial artists, former swimming champions, investigators, long distance medalists, and now 3rd rank in naginata martial arts??? lol
Do the main audience actually believes this? They can’t believe these titles are 100% true for chrissake.
What would this say about the so-called “honorable nature” of the Japanese lmao
I swear, some of you get nit-picky about the weirdest of things sometimes
Who cares
Wow fantastic
The first half was great. She was so shy and embarrassed and it was super cute, then she was absolutely loving having sex with that dude.
But the second half…Jesus Christ, that poor girl’s got to be traumatized. I hate how they always do this to the newbies. How the fuck do they expect to ever get someone to come back for a second shoot?
I’m thinking the same. Who wants to watch this raping in every video? Sex is to making love.
How do you know she wasn’t enjoying it ?
those are weird looking titties
SVDVD 880 please. It’s rare movie..