She should take it easily. She is losing weight. Her thighs are getting thinner and her body less juicy.
3 years ago
7 hours and have sex 10 times? With Yuu???
What happen is the guy an old dude?
3 years ago
Please sub this video ..
3 years ago
Don’t like it when they pixelate the guys face since that just obscures even more of her body when he draws close. Oh and her body is awesome – 2:00:28 for example
what happened to her face??
Yeah, somebody fucked up this cover big time.
doesn’t look even a little bit like Yuu, LOL
She should take it easily. She is losing weight. Her thighs are getting thinner and her body less juicy.
7 hours and have sex 10 times? With Yuu???
What happen is the guy an old dude?
Please sub this video ..
Don’t like it when they pixelate the guys face since that just obscures even more of her body when he draws close. Oh and her body is awesome – 2:00:28 for example