[PPPD-807] (English subbed) My Girlfriend’s Older Sister Has Big Tits And Was Luring Me To Temptation By Agreeing To Creampie Sex – Amy Fukada
![[PPPD-807] (English subbed) My Girlfriend’s Older Sister Has Big Tits And Was Luring Me To Temptation By Agreeing To Creampie Sex – Amy Fukada](https://cdn.javmg.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/pppd807pl.jpg)
This guy has a very pretty girlfriend and that’s good, but does she toss your salad? No, she doesn’t. Even more, the girlfriend only wants to have sex strictly with rubber.
These small annoyances begin to wear him down and that’s when he suddenly meets up with the girlfriend’s Sister: Eimi Fukada.
Eimi is as much cute as the girlfriend, but with a series of small differences: She is hornier than the girlfriend and wants to get laid non-stop. She bangs longer, has bigger boobs, and she doesn’t give a damn about condoms.
With a very proactive Eimi besieging him, the guy gets caught by surprise and he can only indulge himself, disregarding the girlfriend in the process. Priorities…
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Please don’t sub like that
Why are Indians on this website such beggars?
What do you mean
Cos they fucked ur mother hard and ur mother taught them begging beginning with asking her to fuck harder
What do you mean you also baggers
At lest we don’t fuck our sister like your people do
Why are you fucking racist
Yeah, and also if you work in tech, you know indians smell bad. You can’t stay in a room with a few indian programmers without opening windows and going for fresh air once in a while.
You smell bad
dang, you took that personally lmao
must be malingsia fuck
Well, they came here after watching your mom’s NTR video. So, yeah.
You are just a shit and we are 2 in population
Admin of javguru web site is mother fucker ….I requested so many time to make sub of JUX-768 but motherfucker admin of javguru not respond never motherfucker admin
“Subs requests = not allowed”
Maybe English isn’t your third language?
sub requests not allowed dumbass
Talking as if he owes you subs and you pay him to do that.
Lol u enjoying free porn and yet complain so much. Go jerk off somewhere else then.
Switch to another site then. going by your comments about the admin, your a twat!! ..A big ungrateful twat.. Spout your shit someplace else and not disparage a guy that runs this site for the enjoyment of others that appreciates what he does.. in other words.. FUCK OFF.
everyone has their own taste. plus they’re doing this more so as a hobby instead of a full time job
if you’ve actually supported this site somehow by donating
i take back what i’ve said
but if not, you don’t really have a say in what the site owner decides to sub or not.
stfu, be thankful for free content
There is no sub requests. Maybe you could donate and the Admin might listen .
Or…..learn some Japanese and do it your dam self.
Admin is rapist
damn, somebody get this coomer a girl so he can shut the fuck up
no sub requests mate
The fuck is wrong with you? You got issues. If you need a subbed video so badly pay a translator to sub your video. Damn
You are complaining about the free subbed porn you are getting isn’t exactly what you requested? Haven’t you see enough porn to know they all say the same things? Shut up, fap, and be thankful to admin for providing us with this wonderful site. Thanks admin!!!!
Bruh be grateful he/she even sub some JAVs, you think it’s easy?
I’ll say it’s not easy. Doing 3 at the moment.
Administrator.. and some others I know, will always be great.
It simply doesnt fit the admins standard..majority of us doesnt even like that
I have a business idea… If you “sponsor” enough money, the admin will subtitle that movie. How about that
I don’t understand — YOU are “REQUESTING” … but you are cursing out the the person you are asking a favor??? What kind of ingrate are you?
motherfucker yes
How can people feel so entiteled …. Go do the subs you can watch here for FREE yourself you fucking retard you should thank the Admin on your knees that he is so generous to share everything here the only motherfucker here is you fucking bitch
Beggars Everywhere man
Watch and Enjoy brother… Stop whining like a child… Go masturbating
What asshole. You don’t get good JAV porn anywhere else stop being an asshole and accept what you get. Otherwise, as the others say here, fuck off somewhere
Thank you so much Admin-kun
nya ichi ni san niya, arigatou
Whats the sister’s name?
amami kokoro
Hatori mizuki
I gotta say, even though ur taste n mine are different but sometimes like once every month(8 sub vids) theres one vid that i like but recently its gotten so bad bad there haven’t been a vid that i like for months now. I think u should mixed it up, n do different vids, even if u don’t like it cuz everyone has different tastes. Even though they barely do rape or abuse vids anymore which is almost the thing most guys like, u can still do one once in a whilefoe us u know. Big tits n slutty whores are getting really boring. Newayz, just an opinion u still the best thanks
i hardly agree that most guys like rape…
Most guys do like rape. I agree with Trip.
Most guys like seeing woken raped? No. Only frustrated incel cucks like seeing that shit. People like you need to be locked up…you are a danger to society.
Lmao, you realize that nearly all women have rape fantasies, right? and among women that watch AVs, most of them enjoy seeing rape content, heh. If anything, leftists like you and your “I’m offended so it should be banned” or “I’m offended so you should be arrested” bullshit are the real danger
dude you’re a fuckin idiot being raped and having a rape fantasy is way different.
Lol….I’m not offended….i just don’t like it and don’t understand people who do.
And what the fuck does the left/right political dichotomy have to do with not liking simulated rape? Why are you talking politics on a porn site
I don’t give a fuck about politics! It’s all corrupt nonsense. Stop watching so much Fox news you stupid inbreed. The fact that you like it means you think about forcing yourself on women frequently…which means you are an incel loser or a sex criminal who belongs in jail. I hope your family is aware of your rape fetish you disgusting fucking sicko. Lol
Exactly. Too many incels here cracking tears because they don’t know how to communicate with women and think AV is real lol
Newsflash: Only a small percentage of women like rape fantasies, no matter what Vogue says. Try that with a majority of women and they might mace you ass! hahaha
Is NTR rape? Basically, if you have to force a woman and she’s not consenting, it’s rape.
Exactly! Rapists love thinking that women actually want to be forced…because it justifies their criminal behaviour. This clown Guy-san is a loser degenerate who thinks women want to be raped. He belongs in prison so he can get raped with BBC in his asshole so he knows what it feels like.
Who is the GF?
Who’s the little sister?
Shitty series, shitty actress. Yawn..
Shut the Frick up kid!
Yes, the little sister always get ghosted in the end. They need to change the concept and have her kill these assholes lol
your mom’s vagina stinks
your mom has a dick
Fukada Eimi appears disdainful if not typical as the abrasive girlfriend’s older sister. She achieves the feat of being derisive but large as the giddy seducer. Eimi seems Machiavellian and occasionally fertile. Led by a talented director, she constructs a character who is callous and shamelessly joyous as the uneven cum dumpster.
The girlfriend also deserves a mention. She appears Lilliputian or perhaps merely dispensable. Her abundant experience with stage play shows, even though she comes across as occasionally typical, but never balmy or ceaseless.
You’re a legend.
You used a thesaurus when you should have used a dictionary 😛
Was this review the work of an algorhythm, or of two too many Scotch ? But by no means stop, you can make money at this.
It’s a decent video. Eimi looks better in her old vids then she does now. Looks like the Joker now.
Anyways, thought this boring series was done after the RION one. PASS!
Your knowledge of JAV never ceases to amaze. It makes me realize that no matter how much porn I watch…..there is always someone who is watching way more and taking notes. Lol
I think it’s safe to say a majority of us like JAV for the storylines, the acting, and most importantly the beautiful, hot Japanese babes.
It’s because of AV and this site I start doing subs of my own lol
Western porn is ok, if you want no stories and quick fucks.
You read my mind. I only recently really got into JAV and now I’m learning Japanese so I can follow the stories lol
A guy having sex with a plastic woman.
haha I’m surprise he could look at her face and not laugh.
It’s like those cucks and kashi-hoe-hoe failed attempts to act like their straight and not wanting BBC haha
nah, your mom’s vagina stinks
And you have sex with your hand. So yeah
pertamax dong….
Astaghfirullah..puasa oyy
Udah bos
Mpsh ah crot
Mantap min
puasa kawan
Queen Eimi. Thanks Admin.
Admin, I think it is time for some bad boss and employees wife movies, too many vanilla stories this past couple of months, , just my opinion, still you do the best subs
Thanks a lot
Love all translations, but more variety would be cool, how many of this type of “story” have we had already?.
More boss rape, escape convict, stepfather, forced maid please
Please sub RIX-006
Are you guys really bitching about subbing other videos? Bunch of ungrateful wankers, instead of whining learn some basic japanese
How many sister of my gf videos are we gonna get? Subbed videos used to be awesome I’m this website but as some have said now its about once every few months that we actually get a good one :/
incoming turd beta cuckies coming to say the admin is a racist for not posting more BBC films or subbing a BBC film cuz they cant get their beta ass shit out of their ass
who is the other girl’s name?
i love when the girl is dominating the sex. but when i read the comment, people favor more rape scene..
I agree. Sometimes it’s good to see the movie where the girl dominates. I just find this series boring now but that’s my opinion.
love that woman…she is no issues for creampie…wish other idol do it also
You guys are entitled fucks I’m grateful for subs at all. Don’t listen to the haters admin
Admin Please sub nsps 186 great planning and storyline
can upload Ria sakurai ?
Please sub PRED-092
Please don’t
How about a polling for videos that needs to be subbed twice every month so inclusive opinion can make most guys satisfied like the earlier choosing of girl of month
ngl, kinda love this series.
spreading hateful comments leads to the dark side.
Don’t let the anger consume you!
yang sudah mampir jangan lupa absen
her face is really fuckin weird.
Hi Admin, is there anyway to request a specific Jav, or are there any jav forums you know where I can? I’ve been looking for VSPDS – 590 for years but it isnt posted anywhere and I dont know who to turn to. Please advise if you can, Thanks for everything you do!:)
Easy = https://www.r18.com/videos/vod/movies/detail/-/id=1vspds00590/?i3_ref=search&i3_ord=1
pay the 5 bucks
Hey admin can i talk to u
Thanks for English sub
You can photoshop the box art all you want but nothing will cover up the terrible work she’s had done. Because she insisted on getting all that work done she’s about as “Sexy” as a colonoscopy. The moment she smiles I immediately lose interest her face looks like an alien. And if that wasn’t bad enough all her movies regardless of the theme are generic and mediocre because she’s a terrible performer. Can we please stop putting this woman on a pedestal? She’s absolutely awful the worse AV actress of the last decade.
haha dude I only notice how bad her look is because of that Joker smile is off-putting.
I agree again she not the best performer. She just willing to do more weird shit and she has good energy. Her main audiences: Japanese, loves her apparently.
And she famous for 2M twitter followers, like who gives a shit about twitter lol. I get it, it helps keeps you relevant. Whatever.
By comparisons, Ai Uehara, Tsubomi, Atomi Shuri, Yuu Shinoda, Ayumi Shinoda and others looks better, fucks better then Emi.
Thank you sir you are a Man after my own heart you see exactly what I see. Her popularity is ridiculously overblown by people with incredibly low standards when it comes to women. The Japanese Adult Film Industry once gave us Aoi Sora and Rio Hamasaki two stars people still reminisce about to this very day. Where supposed to believe that someone like Eimi Fukada is on that level because of what? Twitter followers?? You can fuck right off with that this woman couldn’t touch someone like Ayumi Shinoda (Love Her!) And if you actually believe that there’s something really wrong with you.
Social media has turned people into the world’s biggest cunts(and I don’t mean that in a good way). When girls send me their pictures and if I see a photo with a phone to their face, I’d delete that shit, quick. Useless.
Emi will never be on the level of Aoi Sora who is just a beautiful, beautiful woman or Rio Hamasaki who is both beautiful and fucks like a Legend!
Everyone knows what Ayumi Shinoda and Yuu Shinoda ( The Shinoda’s lol) can do. No questions.
I’ve tried to find a good Emi Fukada movie(with AIKA). I only watched for AIKA and it was still subpar lol
Hey each his own for those who likes Emi. 2M followers can’t be wrong, right?
Yeah because everyone knows 2 million followers on Twitter equates to sex appeal right? Woman has a smile of an evil bitch that would stab you in your sleep. Fucking cheekbones look like they can cut glass what the fuck is that?? lmfao!
My god the comments are toxic. I feel bad for admin having to read all those entitled, negative or borderline psychotic posts (looking at you, rape dude). This video’s fine. The actress is fine. If it’s not your cup of tea, try one of the hundreds of other videos on this site. Or don’t. Get a sandwich. Just try acting like a human being.
Name of eimi fukada sister
i love eimi fukada, she is mine assholes
man fukada eimi is a blessing send by the gods
I don’t even know whether I like her or not
Hi admin. It seems that a lot of people discovered your gem. And I know it is great for you. But seeing this toxicity, and cancer people makes my PP down.
They keep asking for subs, they are not even asking, they are forcing you and cursing you to sub it :/
It would be great if you can filter this kind of people. Maybe an IP ban? But it’s your choice admin. You can just ignore them if you want.
Anw, keep up the good work! May the JAV Gods be with you.
Thank you for making this site.
Piss off to Pornhub somewhere