For awhile? My mother would have beaten my ass into the next millennium. Granted…. she wouldn’t have been thrilled with the debauched porn I watched, but if I ever expressed, much less BELIEVED, such an asinine loadacrap and she heard about it? I wouldn’t pc privileges would have been the last thing on my mind.
My fetish. Boss’s daughter is a total jail bait.
please ban this guy. go scribble it on the wall of some bathroom, you piece of shit.
Bro, you still here? We get it, you hate women because you prefer men. Don’t need to vent publicly. Just go suck a dick and we’ll be happy for you.
The gay community probably doesn’t want him either. RIP
Boy I hope your mom finds out what you have been posting whenever she comes clean your room. Then you will lose PC privileges for a while.
For awhile? My mother would have beaten my ass into the next millennium. Granted…. she wouldn’t have been thrilled with the debauched porn I watched, but if I ever expressed, much less BELIEVED, such an asinine loadacrap and she heard about it? I wouldn’t pc privileges would have been the last thing on my mind.
LMAO ^_^ my mother would’ve curb stumped me relentlessly until I saw the light and repent.
bro go take a shower