[CSCT-005] (English subbed) Re: Ero – An Abnormal World Sex Life – Lusty Bond Between Sisters Miku Abeno & Rika Mari

[CSCT-005] (English subbed) Re: Ero – An Abnormal World Sex Life – Lusty Bond Between Sisters Miku Abeno & Rika Mari

Movie Information:

Online stream:

327,654 views Posted: December 24, 2020

CSCT-005 SYNOPSIS – No Emilia edition – (Few spoilers below)

Subaru is a teenage neet boy who was shopping in a convenience store, after going out of the door, he finds himself magically transported to a fantasy world. In there, he meets with 2 mysterious twin maid sisters.

The sisters cannot live unless they replenish their “mana”. So he helps them replenish their mana by ejaculating. And every time he does so, he rewinds the time. Thus, he finds himself stuck in this timeline, and unable to meet with his true love: Emi-chan.

So, yes, CSCT-005 is a JAV parody inspired by the anime Re: Zero. The main fetishes here are cosplay and 3P. But it also has some solo scenes and even a lesbian scene as a bonus.

The characters =

– RAM (Mari Rika): RAM has pink hair, red eyes, and clips her hair to the right with a blue ribbon. Ram is more outgoing and has a more self-assured personality than her sister REM. She does indeed believe that everyone else is not worth that much, except for her precious twin sister REM. This also includes Subaru, for who she has a clear disdain. And nicknames him as “Barusu”.

– REM (Abeno Miku): REM has sky blue hair that covers her right eye, she has blue eyes, and is younger than her twin sister Ram. She clips her hair to the left with pink ribbons and wears a maid hair-band. RAM tends to speak in a polite manner and she is way more naive and impulsive than her older sister, who she worships and respects highly.

– Natsuki Subaru (Hajime): The main protagonist and hero. Irrational and foolish sometimes. But ultimately very loyal to those close to him. As a young NEET, he feels delighted by the possibilities that starting over in a fantasy world could bring to him, but later he realizes the very complicated predicament he is in.

The actors =

  • Mari Rika. She has more several other cosplay videos, Her acting was outstanding, and she delivers the closest match to the anime character.
  • Abeno Miku. She also does a very good effort to resemble the anime character. She did really well and her sex scenes are perhaps the best here. She looks crazy hot.
  • Hajime Horiuchi. Hajime is by far a true JAV legend already. But honestly, his acting resembled nothing the anime character. Admittedly the Subaru from the anime is waaaaay over the top, and reproducing something similar here would have been really hard and maybe even fairly stupid. So, I guess his acting was adequate. And anyway, he does cope when the sex scenes begin.

Worth noting that Mari Rika already retired. And Abeno Miku is also set to retire next month. So there won’t be any sequel with the same actresses.


There is a very good intention to follow many of the original features from the source material. This can be seen in the amazing dialogue selections, and the effort of the actresses to deliver faithful acting and intonations. Their work was outstanding.

The cosplay costumes are also very good and they took care of a lot of small details. This will surely be enjoyed more by those who watched the anime.

All in all, the result is very good.

[CSCT-005] (English subbed) Re: Ero - An Abnormal World Sex Life - Lusty Bond Between Sisters Miku Abeno & Rika Mari

[CSCT-005] (English subbed) Re: Ero - An Abnormal World Sex Life - Lusty Bond Between Sisters Miku Abeno & Rika Mari

[CSCT-005] (English subbed) Re: Ero - An Abnormal World Sex Life - Lusty Bond Between Sisters Miku Abeno & Rika Mari

[CSCT-005] (English subbed) Re: Ero - An Abnormal World Sex Life - Lusty Bond Between Sisters Miku Abeno & Rika Mari

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4 years ago

You too!

4 years ago

Happy Holidays! Admin.

4 years ago

Thanku so much.. it came as a surprise. 2 eng sub videos in a single day.. highly appreciated..

Kevin Gone
4 years ago
Reply to  Nawaz

I think Admin was giving us all a Christmas Bonus.

4 years ago

Happy Holidays bro

4 years ago

Thanks for the sub! Happy holidays to you too

4 years ago

You’re a goddam hero!

jonni P
4 years ago

You to Mr. B. but I still waiting for Nao

4 years ago

Thank you

4 years ago

Enjoying it indeed

Tia's Fan
4 years ago

Happy holidays to you too Bakayaro…

4 years ago
Reply to  Tia's Fan

Happy holidays to you!!!

4 years ago

Thanks, you too…hey admin, I hav already requested for ftn 034, please take A look, if possible take it for the new year.

4 years ago

Thanks for administering the best JAV site out there. Every sub you do feels like Christmas.

Thank you
4 years ago

Thank you for all the faps, Bakayaro.

4 years ago

Happy holidays. Thanks for another year!

4 years ago


I think this is one of best cosplayer JAV in 2020.

4 years ago

Igualmente a usted Sr. B y su maravilloso equipo de trabajo que manejan este sitio web “Javguru”.
Porque cada dia realizan la mejor selección de lanzamientos para actualizar a sus usuarios.

4 years ago

Thank you Admin. Will watch this with my whole family 🙂

4 years ago

Thank you so much! I think you exchanged the names of the actresses for the characters. Rika mari is REM

tora ozawa
4 years ago

you’re the man!

4 years ago

Happy Holidays to you as well. Thank you for making our Christmas wishes a reality.

4 years ago

Happy holiday admin !!!!

4 years ago

Pls admin translate more molest JAV plsssss

4 years ago

OMG thanks Man

Yes Man
4 years ago

Wow my favorite anime Re: Zero XD

4 years ago

Please sub AKB-061

4 years ago

lol loved the detailed character and plot info! Happy holidays.

4 years ago

gonna miss Rika Mari

4 years ago
Reply to  FanAV

mari rika returns

4 years ago

no emilia…. huft

4 years ago
Reply to  jancuker

Emilia is garbage

4 years ago

Thanks admin, merry Christmas

4 years ago

Merry Christmas to you and all and happy and healthy new year.

4 years ago

The best gift, thanks!

4 years ago

Ram is abeno miku and rem is mari rika, you got it wrong in the description admin

4 years ago

Happy Holidays to you as Well.

diamond dog
4 years ago

This is a great site-thank you!

4 years ago


4 years ago

Thanks bakayaro, i really love this movie, i hope there is another surprice today from you.. Thanks again bakayaro

4 years ago

please sub pregnant incest

4 years ago

Maybe I’m wrong, but aren’t the actresses names swapped? I’m pretty certain Abenu Miku is in pink here.

4 years ago

Miko Abeno is in the pink hair which is RAM. You got it swapped in the description.

Monku, monku, monku
3 years ago

Bakayaro, you blind. Abeno Miku is RAM in pink hair. You looking at the wrong thing.
You gotta look at their tits. Specifically, their areolas. Abeno Miku has slightly smaller than average areolas. But Mari Rika has really tiny areolas. Plus her nipples are really poky. Compare with the other movies on here. The difference is obvious.

4 years ago

All right guys. This anime has been in my queue for the longest but just havent gotten to it yet. So question is, should I watch the series first to thoroughly enjoy this or nah??? 🙂

4 years ago

Anime for this new generation, not very appealing to me.

4 years ago

Please sub RIX-006

4 years ago

These two gals are sexy and cute…if I had the opportunity they’d drain the life out of me hah.

4 years ago

U got it wrong , man…Mari rika is REM , the blue hair girl and Miku is RAM the pink hair one…

4 years ago

wow one day 2 video release

4 years ago

wow one day 2 video release

4 years ago

happy holidays yall, cool to see some cosplay works subbed aswell

4 years ago

Hi thanks for all your wonderful work. Please sub for DOCP-158 Fujishiro Momone scene . Thank you

Monku nashi
4 years ago

Who the heck is Emilia?

Bakayaro ( Admin)
9 months ago
